Draco's mother was right, his father wasn't a very good cook. Draco moved the food around on his plate with his fork for about fifteen minutes. "May I please be excused, I would like to go to my room." "Of course Draco, but you must eat somthing." Draco nodded and picked up Apple out of the fruit bowl. "I think I'll just eat this apple." He turned and walked back upstairs to his room, holding Apple with caution, not wanting to have to tight of a grip on her, but not wanting her to fall out of his hand aswell. He closed his bedroom door and sat on his bed. "Your so beautifle." He muttered to her. He grabbed a silk handkerchief and layed it neatly on the bed side table. He carefully set Apple down on the handkercheif. "I promise, I will not let anyone hurt you. You will always be safe aslong as your with me." He smiled as he looked and her in awe.
He layed back onto the bed, staring at Apple. Tomorrow he would be going back to school, should he talk Apple with him? It might be too dangerous for her, but he would feel uneasy not knowing if his mother had accidentaly thrown her out. As he thought more, he realised he would have less trouble keeping his love for Apple a secret from his parent's if he brought her with him. That night, he fell asleep, staring at Apple and she shined in the moonlight, wondering, how an Apple, could have such beauty.
Draco rubbed his eyes. It was just a dream, he hadn't really fallen in love with an apple, that was obserd. He turned his head, and there she was, it was true, it wasn't a dream, he couldn't help but smile when he caught sight of her. She was his Apple, there was no other one like her. There was a knock on his door, he quikly grabbed Apple and hidd her under his blanket just befor his mother walked into the room. "You slept in Draco? You are going to miss the train! Your father can not be late for work because he had to take you to school, hurry up." She walked out of the room, leaving the door open. Draco got up and closed the door, he looked at his bed where Apple lie under the covers. "I am deffinetly bringing you with me." He whispered/
He got dressed into his uniform and cloak as fast as he could, then gently kissed Apple just below the stem, and slipped her into his cloak pocket. "You'll be safe in there for now." He assured her. He walked down the stairs to see his father standing at the door looking mighty impatiant. "What took you so long." His father spit. "Nothing, I just slept in." "You'll remember to set your alarm clock next time." His father gave him a cold look. "Yes sir." Draco nodded and the two of them got into the car and drove off.
When they arrived at the train station Draco's stomach grummbled. "Here, buy yourself something off the trolly." His father handed him 10 gallons. "Thank you." Draco muttered as he put the gallons into his cloak pocket, so they rested under Apple. Draco got out of the car and grabbed his trunk. He walked to the familiar un-named platform, but of course he knew it was named, platform 9 3/4. He looked to make sure muggles weren't watching. Then, he looked the brick up, and down. He stepped through easily, he was all to used to this. "Draco, your late." Goyle staited. "Is that a problem?" "N-no. J-just making conversation" Goyle stuttered. Draco ignored him and climbed abored the train for the long ride, the long ride of thinking about Apple.