Chapter 13

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Peter had broken his promise. Never trust a man. He should have just asked for 'help' to any brother Muslims, not a woman. Did I just address myself a woman? No, I meant lady. 

The clock strike 7 in the evening, and he still hadn't showed up. "Is he even a trustworthy?" Khadijah sarcastically said, as I walked back and forth at the balcony of the masjeed. I sighed and shook my head, "I don't know. I saw tears on his eyes that moment when he confessed to me, Wallahi!" I tried to calm myself. How dare he played my confidential to bring him to the straight path? 

Khadijah looked at me, sympathy showed on her eyes. I sighed again. Wait, why am I here? Why am I waiting for him? 

I then walked toward Khadijah to announce my farewell. We exchanged hands before I got to my car. As soon as I arrived to where I parked my beloved car, a familiar car took the parking next to my car. A man got out from the car and there stood Peter Feterson, facing me with his shades covered his eyes. 

"Sorry, I'm late." 

I watched him over, anger controlling all of me. I sighed and turned from him, getting inside my car. I started the car before I drove, leaving him alone. I glanced over the side mirror. He was still standing there, watching my car speeding. 

"Sorry." I quietly mouthed. 


That night, I couldn't sleep. Thinking of him, wondering if he met the akh group or not. I trusted him so much that I had this sorrow when he didn't arrive at the time we promised to meet. O Allah, help me. Rabb Yasseer Wala Tuasseer Rabb Tammeem BilKhayr, I recited the dua whenever I face hardships.

With the deep thoughts in my head, I let myself fell into the deep slumber. 


Peter P.O.V 

I glanced over my watch, it was 5 in the evening. Why the hell Dad wanted to meet me at this freaking time? I needed to call Aisha' , I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialled her number. Tutt. 

S***! Out of battery! I sighed in anger. Gods above, I should have cancelled earlier. 

I calmed myself and focused to the road. The Feterson's mansion slowly appeared to be seen. I drove in the mansion after I got identified by the guard. I parked my car in the garage before I got out and walked in the house. The compound was wide and crowded with decorations and plants so it took some time for me to walk. 

As soon as I was on the doorstep, I rang the bell and it was 0.0001 second after, the door shut open. I smirked seeing my sister, Alicia standing in front of me. "Wah, you're taller now!" I pat her head as if she was still 6-year-old-girl I left back then. "You monster, I am 14 now!" She exclaimed. I nodded my head and stepped inside. "It's been 8 years since I left leaving you and Greg alone. Sorry," I smiled, showing off my teeth. "Whatever. Dad wants to see you. How come you never visited us? Why must we need to visit you all the time?" Oh, so she was beginning to be my mom. 

"Don't know, don't want to know, don't care!" I ran to the staircase, laughing unconsciously and started to act normal by the time I stepped on my father's office doorstep. I knocked the door before the door shut open, revealing Dad behind. "Long time no see. I mean, seeing you in this mansion." He said. 

I looked at the floor, showing my respect to him. "So, I heard you fired Hanna and replace her with a Muslim girl as a secretary. Is it true?" He asked. "Yes." I truthfully replied. "I'm sure you took note that your engagement with Hanna is going to be held in two weeks." He mockingly said. My eyes widened, "Wait, isn't it going to be held on the next month?" I looked at him in a total shock. "No. We changed the date." 

"Without asking me?" I raised my voice. "Yes. Why? Have you been attracted by the terrorist?" He sarcastically said. "Who's terrorist?" I clenched my fist. "That Muslim girl. I think you have been framed by her." He quietly exclaimed. "How dare you called her terrorist. H-" He cut me off, "Seems like yes. You have been at-" 

"She has a name, Aisha' and she is not a terrorist."

There was a long pause. 

"You rejected Hanna? You know she's important right?" I nodded, "But I already completed the order you gave to me last week; living with her." I said. Again, silence. "I think you know who are you talking to now." 

"And you think I do not know that you bought her an apartment for her to live in? Son, remember, when it comes to work, you are actually dealing with Danial Feterson, not your Dad." 

I gulped as my eyes never left his.

"Now, here's an order. I want you to fix what has ruined."

He glanced to clock pasted on the wall before announcing, "And I think you're late for the date you had with Aisha' Ahmed." He smirked.

I stared him for a moment before leaving him alone in the spacious room. 

Breathing heavily, I walked out the house with anger flaming inside of me. 


Assalammualaykum everyone! It's been a long time since I haven't updated any of my stories. So, this is the first update after a while. Stay tuned for the next !

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