Chapter 1: sherlock met John (edited)

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Sherlock was a very clever detective one of a kind actually and he never really cared about people. He loved nobody and was addicted to drugs. His brother Mycroft would try to help his dear brother but, sherlock refused every time.

Many months passed and sherlock was desperate to find someone. He wanted a Fairly nice man, who could but up with his shenanigans and violin playing. Mike stamford brought me to him and that's how sherlock and I met. Sherlock and me got along very well and we started to do many cases together the first was a study in pink, I named it.

"So many cases finished John, I am on fire!" Sherlock bellowed as he was always excited after doing his job. As he always says, "I'm married to my work." ,but I had something for him I just couldn't figure it out. The fall then happened and I was devastated, but he came back. I did throw a few punches at him though.

"Sherlock we finally finished our case what are we going to do now?"

"Sherlock? Sherlock!" Damn he was in his mind palace the only place sherlock could think properly. Sherlock sat there for hours on end and I grew tired. I grabbed my jacket and left, just faintly hearing sherlock ask me a question. Sherlock still sat there and I just left.

An hour had passed and I finally came through the door with all the groceries.

"I asked you to get me a pen John didn't you hear me." I stood there, then realised that's what he said earlier.

"Sherlock.. You asked me that an hour ago."

"O... Well may I have one now!"

"Here you go. So what are you doing or thinking then." Sherlock swivelled his head towards Me and got up and grabbed my shoulders.

"Pupils dilated, slight blush. Mmm." I was confused as sherlock whispered this. I did feel a blush come on but, Why do these things keep happening, do I like Sherlock Holmes the great detective.

Sherlock's pov :

I looked closely into John's eyes. Dilated, mmm. I pulled away and a new feeling filled my stomach. I started to feel warmth grow in me as I got closer to John. Damn sherlock stop thinking like that. I left John and returned back to my seat. I pulled my fingers together and sat down travelling back to my mind palace. I looked at John and studied his face. It's so beautiful how did I not recognise this. I snapped out of my palace and asked John a question.

John's pov :

"John! Do you want some tea or coffee." I coughed hard. Did sherlock ask to do something! What's going on with us today.

"Sure... Coffee" I stuttered as sherlock came closer to me then stopped.

"Sugar?" I nodded slowly gazing into his amazing, crystal blue eyes. We stood there and it felt like forever until sherlock broke the gaze and left me to head to the kitchen. I soon heard the kettle boil.

"Argh.. Shit.. Hot!hot!" I laughed as sherlock had just burnt himself.

"I'm trying John really." I stopped laughing then smiled. I grabbed his arm and checked it to see if he had any kind of burn. I knelt down and sherlock grabbed a chair to sit on. I felt his breath hitch as I came closer, umm could I tease him? I forgot what I was going to do then so I just attended to his wound. Sherlock whined as I tried to help him. Eventually I had finished with him and sherlock grabbed my arm.

"Thank you John." He whispered. Oh my god I was going to melt his voice was so deep and sexy. Shut up John this isn't right. I then left sherlock and found my way to my
bed as it was really late.

"Good night John." I replied back to him and found my way back to my bed.

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