Chapter 9: An Old Friend

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Mason's POV

She was dying. I couldn't save her.

"Mason-" Seren whispered. As she said that, her hand slid off my cheek and she drifted away...

I woke up breathing heavily and sweating. I looked at the top bunk above me at Seren. I sighed, relieved. It was just a dream.

I checked the time on my device. It read 2:07 a.m.. I tried to fall back asleep, but was unsuccessful. I got up, put on my black hoodie, and headed straight for the repair room. I saw Hal sitting on the table. I opened up the control panel. His motherboard looked pretty bad, but I've seen worse in toy hover boards. "Yeah, I can do this." I said to myself, and got straight to work.


"Seren?" Hal instantly said when his screen turned on.

"Shush," I said. "I want this to be a-"

I was interrupted by the door being opened. It was Seren. "Hal?"

"Well there goes the surprise." I said, disappointed.

"You fixed him? How?"

"Yeah. It was kind of easy. He's just like a toy robot, only bigger and more... upgraded."

"Woah woah woah woah woah. Woah. Are you saying you knew how to fix him because you know how to build a toy robot?"


"I hate you, but you're a genius."

"I think I'll take that as a compliment."

"You better, Robot Boy."

"Running out of insults already?"

"I've pretty much used everything in the book." Seren said, laughing.

"That must be a pretty short book, then." I replied.

Just then, Seren wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. "Thank you." She whispered.

"Hey guys," Hal said. Seren and I separated "Did I miss something?"

We burst out laughing. "You've missed a lot, buddy." Seren said.


"We can just sneak in through the back. It'll be much easier." I suggested. We were planning on how we would get into the base this time.

Seren huffed. "They're going to expect us to do that. It'll be crowded with guards back there."

"Okay then. How do you expect us to get in?"

"We go in through the side. There will be less guards, and less trained ones, too. We can easily take them out. Then, we'll go through the air ducts this time. That way, we have more of a chance to get in without getting caught," Seren stated. We were planning how to get in this time. "Hal, you stay with the ship. You're not exactly designed to fit in tight spaces."

"Okay." Hal replied.

"What about you? Can you fit?" She asked me.

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