Chapter 1

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You were on your way back home, you had enough of traveling and you wanted to tell your friend, Lilith, about a little shrine dedicated to her. You were so going to tease the girl when you got back, a large vehicle rode fastly in your direction. Squinting your eyes to see that there was a mounted meachine gun on top, you stopped in your tracks, reading your gun. Even though you wouldn't have a chance against a weapon like that and to make it even better, there was nothing in the wasteland. Meaning no coverage, you watched as it got closer, you kept a straight poker face. Then the car stopped infront of you, after sliding along the dirt cover ground. The yellow tinted windows lifted up, revealing a male figure.

"Hey _______." A smile crossed your face, shaking your head slightly.

"Damn man, you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were some random bandit coming to kill me." August chuckled at this, once he was done laughing. He wiped at his eye and waved his hand like he was cutting the air horizontally,

"No, I came to pick you up. Ma gots a proposal for you and she wants to see you now. So hop in buttwipe." You jokenly shook your head, but none the less, you did as he said. Once inside, the top part lowered until it locked in place.

"So, what's this 'Proposal'?" You asked with curiousty as you both drove off,

"You can tell me, your my bro. Your my brother from another mother.... Well family." You both chuckled, than August glanced in your direction, but looked back to the road ahead of him.l

"Well, a deal went wrong and we were scammed. So now we're hunting the fuckers down. And your job is to do what you best at, scaring the shit out of people and looking all threatening. Stuff like that, what you usually do when Ma hires you." You nod your head with a chuckle, August kept up the fast speed, not letting it die down. Sometimes hitting a Skag or two on the journey to where ever the fuck you both were heading to, everything was slient. You occasionally glanced over towards the blonde, letting your (E/C) orbs look over him. And damn he looked good, but you wouldn't tap that. That would be really awkward, but you couldn't help but think that its been a very long time since you both seen eachoher. Your eyes than trailed to the front, seeing an abandon town up ahead. But it wasn't fully, a couple of cars and people were there.

"_______, when we get out, just obey what this guy wants and don't question anything. This guy never shuts his mouth and talks about the most stupidest things." The blonde that groaned,

"He's really boring and thinks he's hot shit or something." You laughed at this, August soon stopped the vehicle. The window like door lifted up, allowing you both to exit. Walking up the group, there a man stood with dark hair and looked to be hyperion, due to his clothing and the way he presents himself.

"Since your all finally here, lets head in ladies." You frown, you hated Hyperions. He had turned and walked towards a large building, August looked towards you and shrugged in the direction that this Hugo person headed off to. Reading your gun, you followed suit. Once the group was in, you all were able to take Rhys' group by surprise, capturing them in the process. Hugo was talking, but you didn't pay much atention to what he said. You were to busy eyeing this fresh peiece of nerd meat infront of you, a smirk on your chapped lips. You walked a little faster until you were now walking beside the guy with glasses, you had a thing for a guys wearing glasses, well actually, you liked anyone who wore glasses. Male or female, it didn't matter.

"Hey nerdy-birdy." You whispered to the man in a playful tone, he seemed to jump out of his skin. His hand was placed where his heart would be, his blue eyes widen with from fright. But he was looking at you now,

"Y-Yeah?" You softly smiled at him,

"What's your name? _______ is the name, you better remember that." You than booped his nose, he looked at you like you were weird.

"Uh, Vaughn." He seemed to move away from you a little, feeling uncomtable. But you just moved closer, your mother, Moxxi, was a horrible enflunce on you. Now here you are acting like your mother when she found some man she wants to use as a toy.

"______, back off!" August yelled to you, the smile not leaving your lips.

"I'll see you later." You than slapped the shorter male's ass, Vaughn let out a yelp as you went to the back of the group. August facepalmed and shook his head, Hugo than spoke to the blonde,

"Your uh, friend is a little weird." The hyperion whispered, August than whispered back,

"Tell me about it." He sarcastically said. Rhys looked back to Vaughn,who in return, shrugged. But the burnette looked back, you wiggled your eyebrows and than made a kissy face. The male than shuddered and turned back around, trying to ignore you the best he could. When Fiona and Rhys had to go separate ways to go through the two different doors, August and Hugo following them. You stayed behind with the others watching through the window, waiting for the two males to return. You stood beside the cute looking nerd, you stared down at the man, who you had your wrapped around his waist. The accountant looked anywhere but you, he was nevious. Hugo came back, he looked in your direction. But quickly looked away to stand near the large window, Sasha wanted giggle, but refrained due to being held hostage. Vaughn was able to get out of your grasp, the two gaurds quickly brought up their rifles. The shorter male held his hands up in defence, before they could shoot. Using the blunt end of your weapon, you hit one of the gaurds upside he head. Causing him to fall to the floor, the other one turning to you. Quickly flipping your gun around, you pointed it towards the second one, red laser dotted his chest area. His rifle pointed back at you, you couldn't help but say this certain line in the gayest of ways.

"It looks like we have a standoff.~" You than heard the laugh of August as he entered the room, but stopped when he saw Hugo glaring at him. Hugo looked like he was doing something at the window, but than took a hold Vaughn. A gun pointed at him as he made a wordless threat, the one gaurd you knocked out, had regain consionness and had his weapon trained on you as well. You glared at them, finger gently touching the trigger. You were ready to shoot these assholes, you never liked henchmen, but you were considered one for being a mercenary. After what seemed like a while, everything went to hell in a hand basket. Flying robots came out of hiding, firing off darts that could paralyze anyone. Everyone with a weapon started to shoot rounds off at the red bots, you quickly went to Vaughn and quickly pushed him for cover, shooting your gun off as you did so. Taking one or two down at a time, you had Sasha take cover as well. There was an explosion from behind the window, looking in the direction, it was all black smoke. What brought you back to your state of mind is when one of the bots attempted to crash into you, you had dodged it. But your shoulder got hit in the process, it hurt, but you didn't care right now. Your objective was to take out as many robots as possible and that's what you were going to do, you didn't care if your 'team' got in the way.

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