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You all had gone to Connie's house after you sent a text to your Mom, telling her.

"Guys," Connie began, "What if we ask questions about each other?"

"Yeah, get to know each other more." You nodded.

"Sure." Jean shrugged.

"Okay, I'll start." Connie looked at everyone. "(y/n), what's your favorite color?"

"(f/c)." You answered.

"Really?" Jean looked at you.

"Yeah, I've always liked that color." You said, looking at everyone carefully. "Okay. . . Jean, what was your favorite childhood show?"

"'Ben 10.'" He answered.

"Oh, I remember that one!" Connie exclaimed.

"Yeah, it was the best show ever." Jean laughed. "Hmm. . . Eren, do you like (y/n)?" He smirked, knowing the answer.


"Do you all want anything to drink or eat?" A woman who looked like Connie entered the room.

"Mom, it was just getting good!"

"Connie, I was being polite." His mother let out a sigh and set down the laundry basket she was holding. "You're like you're father sometimes. Always happy."

Connie had her eye color. He looked like her. "Mom, Eren was about to--"

"Kiss someone? Connie, you're not allowed to kiss, by the way."

"What?! Mom, I have a girlfriend!"

"What? Who?"

"Sasha Braus, Mom."

"Oh. The girl you've liked for a while. Well, okay. Let me know if you guys need anything." She picked up the laundry basket and left the room.

You looked at Connie. "She looks like you. A lot."

"Yeah, I guess so." Connie chuckled.

"What do we do now?" You asked.

Jean suddenly hugged you. You almost fell over, laughing. You returned the hug, "Jean!"

He chuckled. "Sorry, (n/n)."

"(n/n)?" You raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"Yeah, sorry--"

"It's cute." You smiled. "I don't mind."

"Hey, are you two dating?" Sasha asked.

"Sasha! When did you get here?"

"Just now. Connie invited me." She grinned. "So, you and Jean?"

"What?" Pink dusted your cheeks. You casually put your hands on your cheeks.

"No. Even though they act like it." Eren mumbled.

"What?" You hadn't heard Eren.

"Oh, I said 'No, they're not.'" The brunette explained quickly.

"Sure you did." Jean said, knowing what he mumbled.

"Jean, it's okay." You nudged him with your shoulder.

"Let's play spin the bottle. Please?" Sasha begged.

"Sasha, what if it lands on someone else? Other than me." Connie sighed.

"That's what makes it fun." She replied.

Connie stared at her, surprised. "Okay. . ."

Sasha got up and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing an empty bottle of juice. She sat down again. "Okay, (y/n), go first!"

"Uh, okay." You hesitantly spun the bottle. It landed on. . .


-Jean's POV-

I saw the bottle point at Eren. Why couldn't it have landed on someone else?! Me? Or even Connie! At least I trust him for him to not go out with (y/n)! Okay, what am I thinking?

I glared at Eren. (y/n) nervously leaned forward a bit. I had never seen her nervous. Did she have a thing for him?! She can do so much better.

She looked at Sasha right when Eren leaned forward, resulting in a kiss only on the cheek. "Sasha, what if we've never kissed someone before?"

I had to stop myself from smiling. He didn't get to kiss her.

"Well, if that's the case, it can just be a kiss on the cheek." Sasha shrugged. "Eren already did that." A small laugh escaped her mouth.

Dang it! Now, I didn't get to kiss her! Well. . . At least he didn't get to either. Or anyone. I guess that isn't so bad.

Eren spun the bottle. It landed on Connie. "Sasha, what do I do?" Eren asked.

Sasha shrugged. "The cheek?"

This was going to be a long day.


Here's an update, yay!

Also, I chose option A. It had a comment. Plus, when I finish the book, there will be an update every single day.

So, I'll see you all in a month or a bit longer. You're amazing.

If you ever need to talk to someone, don't hesitate to message me.

Or if you want to become friends, message me.

I love you.

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