I gonna get out this bed

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Roc and Taylor walk in

Nakayah-hey taylor hey Roc



Nakayah and Prince-thank you

Nakayah-um Taylor why do you have blood on your jacket

Taylor-um (looks at Roc)we had a issue

Nakayah-Roc what did you do.did you hit i promise i will get out this bed an beat yo Gco

Roc-i didn't hit her...

Taylor-tell her

Nakayah-tell me what

Roc-ok Beauty gco

Nakayah-you said enough i whoopen @ss

Taylor-no,let him finish

Roc-thank you,ok so i was at home and the door bell rong and so i got up to see who it was


Roc-hi Beauty,what are you doing here

Beauty-(crying) Jason broke up with me

Roc-oh um come in

Beauty-ok (goes and sit down on the couch)

Roc-so what happen

Beauty-he told me in too much and that im always going out to much and never with him

Roc-oh im sorry here let me give you something to drink (goes and get some drinks and hands it to Beauty) here ya go

Beauty-thank you (smiles)

Roc-ill be right back,im going to the bathroom (leaves)

Beauty-(puts some molly in Roc's drink)

Roc-(comes back and drinks his drink)

Beauty-thanks for the drink

Roc-anytime,oh and im about to go see taylor in little bit

Beauty-who cares about here

Roc-i do i love her

Beauty-not for long oh and i sparkled you drink


Beauty-yep now come here (kisses him)

Roc-stop stop (kisses back0

Beauty-come on lets go upstairs


flashback over

Roc-an thats when Taylor came and whooped Beauty @ss

Nakayah-thats my girl

Taylor-yea so this is her blood

Prince-wooww Taylor you got hands


Nakayah-so Roc i guess im not mad at you,but if you ever and i mean ever hurt Taylor im gonna cut your ear out and put where your d*ck is suppose to be


Taylor-well i still need that


Roc-Prince shut up.

Nakayah-well let me get my baby,i miss her to much (goes to the nursery)

Taylor-well im going with her (leaves)

Roc-d*mn man,yo girl mean.you better not hurt here or you want have a future

Prince-ik i got a good one

Taylor and Nakayah come back

Roc-aww she is adorable

Nakayah-ik she my baby

Prince-and mine

Briana and star come in

Star-hey yall



Star-omg my niece is so cute

Briana-she get it from Nakayah


Prince-what,she look more like me

Roc-i agree

Taylor-the last timed yall agreed she had a girl,but she does look like you

Prince-thanks Taylor

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