chapter one

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Usually people hid from all their troubles from this deep cruel world at home. Well, that's where all my troubles start. The only place I feel safe is under this oak tree. It is here where I can lay my head down and not have to worry about what damage I will wake up to. But I know I can't stay here for long because I have to get back to Eric. He is the only thing that keeps me going.

He is only 4 he still has his imagination, and he still thinks that everyday is a fun adventure. I had to grow out of that stage along time ago. A normal eleven year girl would still be in that stage. My life use to be perfect. I had tons of friends, a new baby brother, two parents that loved me, two parents that were good. But just one day changed that all. I came home to my mother crying on the sofa. I had never seen her like this before. I was only seven at the time so it was a shock to see the strongest person I know like this.

"mommy," I asked "what's wrong." she looked up at me her eyes were blood shot red. She didn't answer she just grabbed me in a tight hug and wouldn't let go. I knew something was up something seemed so wrong. "where's daddy?" she started to cry even louder she never fully answered my question I had to get the answer from my grandmother. The news hit me so hard. My dad was a good man but one drunk driver ruined everything.

Ever since then my mom drank everyday. Soon enough I was taking care of my new born baby brother. Momma would only wake up to get a new drink. And so here I am. I stayed under my oak tree for a few more minutes and day dreamed. I finally looked at my watch. 4:30, Eric will be wondering where I am.

I got up and whipped the dirt off my blue jean shorts. The moment I left the shade the hot Virginia sun struck me like lightning. It was late in August one of the most hottest times of the year. School will be starting in a few days. Most people are dreading going back but not me. I don't mind school, I like to learn its the only time I feel normal. But I'm far from fitting in. On the first day I will walk

In with no new clothes,used books, and a lunch I packed my self. Eric will be home alone with Mom. That's the most dreadful part. I continued to walked home from the woods. Taking mental pictures of all the pretty surroundings. It was always so clam and quiet here it was my favorite place to be. As I reached the opening of the path I seen the conner boys. I let out a mental cry of help and stopped dead in my tracks. Maybe if I walk back they won't notice me. The Conners were the meanest boys in town.

Their father owns almost every building here. They think there something because their father helped build this place but in my opinion he didn't do a good job. Their mother was the most respected woman at church. But honestly she was the type to be holy on Sunday and white trash the rest of the week. I never understood her ways. She had a rich husband. A nice house and cars. Why she needed a pool cleaner made no sense considering the fact that she had no pool. I started to turn the other way until Joel called out "well, if it isn't miss. Mariah hill."

Busted. I stuck my head up and continued to walk along the path. Just ignore them I kept thinking to myself. I almost made it to the clearing. Craig grabbed my hand and spun me around. "hey Joel didn't we see them ugly shorts in the dumpster the other day?"

"sure did" Joel replied "guess her momma had to buy another bottle of burben instead of getting her some clothes."

I pursed my lips and held back my tears. I walked to them with my fists clenched. If there's one thing ever southern girl knows its that you don't take no bullshit from anybody especially ones that talk about your momma regardless of what she has done. Might as well fight fire with fire. " I would worry about my own mother if I were you. Considering the fact that your new baby sister ain't even your dads!"

Craig looked at me his face was red from anger. "what makes you say that?"There was no turning back now. I had done started it now I have to finish. " like you don't know. Your momma sleeps with almost every guy in town! I still don't see how she hasn't had any more kids!"

Joel walked infront of Craig and spat on the ground. "at least my mom can remember who she slept with in the morning unlike yours." that was it! Anger shot through me like a bullet. My hands were shaking as I drew them back. I threw my fists right into Joel's face. I could have sworn I heard a crack. Joel feel to the ground calling me every cuss word in the book. Craig jumped on me and started to throw some sissy punches .

I kicked him off and shoved him face first in the ground and threw more punches to his back screaming at him with everything I had. After I had my share of punches , I got up whipped the dirt of my hands and continued to walk home. If there was one thing I learned in life, it was rich boys can't fight for nothin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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