Chapter 4

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Diane's POV

This has probably been the worst first day ever.

I was forced to sit next to Gwen at dinner, which gave me a huge headache. I was about to tell her to be quiet for once, when she invited her friends over to sit with us. Her friends were almost ten times more annoying then her. I wonder if they would notice if I started to bang my head on the table.

"Hey Di, you okay? You look a little annoyed." One of Gwen's annoying friends asks me.

"Please don't call me that ever again." I mumble with my head down. I guess it sounded scary, because they didn't try to bother me again.

After about five minutes, I heard them start talking again.
"So, how long have you been dead?" They yelled. At first I thought they were talking to me, and I was fully prepared to say something sarcastic. But when I looked up, they weren't looking at me. They were looking at a guy that was two seats away. The guy who ran away when he saw me.

He didn't look up when they tried to talk to him. But the guy sitting next to him did. When he looked up, I couldn't help but be scared. He gave all of us a death glare which made everybody look away. The girls started mumbling to each other about the guys friend. They're aren't exactly things I would say to my mother.

By the time dinner was over, I wanted to die all over again. I don't know how I'm going to go the whole year with Gwen and her annoying friends. We were heading back to the room when a girl ran into me at full speed. Well, she actually went through me. She fell right in front of Gwen, which wasn't a good idea. I was afraid that Gwen was going to kick her. Which she almost did.

"Who do you think you are! Can't you see we're walking here!" Then she started yelling a long list of profanities that are probably not allowed.

"Leave her alone. Can't you see it was an accident." I couldn't help it. They were bullying a innocent girl who didn't deserve it. I was honestly just done with their crap.

"You don't even know her, she could be a murderer for all you know." I was about to punch her in the face.

"What's she going to do, kill me? I'm already dead!" I couldn't do it anymore. I can't pretend to be nice. That's the one thing that I'm sure about from when I was alive. I had a little bit of an anger issue. That's one of the reasons I didn't have many friends. And I'm probably about to lose the closest thing I have to one.

"SHE PUNCHED ME!" I didn't care anymore about Gwen. Her friends were giving me weird looks, as if they were trying to scare me away. But I've seen girls like them. They can't fight, all they know how to do is run.

"Hey, are you alright?" I had almost forgotten the girl that fell was there. She was hiding in the corner, looking scared. She just nodded, too shaken up to speak. She was a tiny ghost looking almost too young to be dead. I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm Diane." I say, holding out my hand. She looks at it, like I'm going to pull it away at any second.

"Cherry, but you can call me Chey" It took a while before she let me help her up. Would it be rude If I asked how old she was when she died? She looked so young.

"You're the new ghost, aren't you? This isn't exactly the best way to spend your first day." She looked almost disappointed.

"I don't see anything wrong with it."
"You do not want to get on the bad side of Gwen. She may not look like it, but she can do some serious damage." I swear everyone at this school is insane. How could annoying Gwen hurt me? She probably couldn't hurt a fly, even if she tried.

"Nevermind, if you want to ruin your social life by hanging out with me, that's your choice. So how'd you die?" She asked me, like that was a normal question.

"Car crash. I may or may not have been a little drunk." We were walking back to the dorms now. Just talking about death, which was totally normal.

"You know, there's another new kid floating around here somewhere, and I think his was a car crash too. Do you think it could've been the same one?" I hoped it wasn't the same one. I don't think I could live with myself if someone else died in that crash.

After talking for awhile, Chey had finally opened up to me. Turns out she was fifteen when she died, which was almost two years ago. She had died because of cancer. I really don't understand why she isn't popular, because she seems pretty cool to me. She knows all the gossip that's going around school, and probably some stuff she shouldn't know.

We had gotten to the building with all the dorms. I had figured out that her room is really close to ours, and she doesn't have a roommate. I decided to just share a room with her instead of Gwen, because apparently she can do some pretty bad stuff.

"I'll race you there." That's what I do when I'm bored. I run.
"You don't even know where my room is." Chey doesn't look like the type of person who runs everywhere. Which is why I'm sure I'll win.
"I'll figure it out!" I was already running down the hallway. Some may call it cheating, I call it quick thinking.

I was almost to the room, when I saw the guy. The guy that ran when I tried to say hi. The guy that Gwen and her friends were flirting with. I tried to slow down, so I wouldn't run straight through him. But it was too late. And I didn't run through him, I just bumped into him. And his arm may or may not have gotten stuck in my shoulder. I started freaking out, and so did he. I could hear Chey laughing a few feet away, and I just wanted to punch her.

"I win!" She said.



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