Chapter 2

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Smirking, he walked over. "Wow. I am hurt. Wounded even. Here I am, trying to help you on your first day, and I get that? I take it you're the new kid?" His deep voice rumbled.

I throw my hands over my mouth. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud! And obviously I'm the new kid. I mean, how many other kids do you show around here?" I questioned. Cute or not, I wasn't going to break. I tucked the ponytail into my pocket and, taking a quick look at his pinkie, noticed a thick rope like string, then glanced at my own finger stifling a sigh of disappointment. Still nothing.

"Ooo, sassy!" He cried, not noticing my glances. "I can tell when I'm not wanted," he breathed out, clutching a hand to his chest. He brushed a nonexistent tear from his eye and turned to make a probably dramatic exit when I stopped him.

"Wait!" I shouted. People from the hall looked over at us and I lowered my voice. "I'm sorry. I'm just nervous." Now whether it was because of the guy,  the new school, or both was the question that even I didn't have the answer to.

He turned back to me, a look if pity on his face. "Don't be nervous! You'll do just fine here. I'll even be your first, and best friend here! Now lets go then, the bells about to ring." He started walking off and I hurried to follow. "By the way, I didn't get you name."

"That's because I didn't give it to you." I said smartly, trying to give myself off as tough. Then immediately scolded myself. I can't be mean to every single person I'm meet. Dammit, I will have friends here. "Sorry again. Lets start over. Hi, my name's Lilith. What's yours?" I held my hand out to him, stopping in the middle of the hall.

He reached over and grasped my hand tightly. His forest eyes met powder blue as he drawled out, "Evan. Nice to meet you Lilith." And oh my gosh his hand was warm and soft and while I was too busy feeling up his hand, I forgot about not touching strings and accidentally rubbed his. And when my skin came into contact with his cord, the vision started.


As always, the first thing I see is darkness. Then it slowly fades out, leaving me with a slightly older Evan. He was in a park, late at night judging by the the moon in the sky, on a warm evening. He was searching the crowd nervously, searching for someone. Finally he seemed to find who he was looking for because he hurried over to them. Now my curse is finicky, so I can't see other peoples soul mates. No, I can only see the persons who's string I touched as well as everyone else. So slowly, I followed behind Evan seeing if I knew any other faces.

Evan walked over to the blurred person and they talked for awhile. He asked her to turn around as he suddenly knelt down to one knee and pulled out a ring. A proposal, nice. He told the girl to turn back around as the vision started to go black and I was pulled back to a concerned present day Evan looking down at me. Did I mention I was on the floor? In his lap? Oh, my. This might be hard to explain.

"Lilith! Are you okay?" He asked while shaking me. "What happened?"

"I'all be okay when you stop shaking me," I weakly replied. I could just feel a blush coming on, and with everyone staring at me, it wasn't going away anytime soon. "And it's nothing. I just... blackout sometimes."

He breathed in a sigh of relief. "Okay, if you say so." He lifted me back up to my feet and continued walking down the hall, this time linking our arms. "So you don't fall this time," he winked at me. "Can't be bringing you to the hospital on your first day, can we? What will your parents think of me then?" I chuckeled at that and we walked for awhile before he pulled us to a stop. "Wait!" He looked at me sheepishly. "I have no clue where your classes are at. Can I see you schedule?"

Nodding my head, and judging him only slightly for leading us no where, I reached into my pocket and handed it to him. He searched it for a bit before nodding his head, and smiling to himself, lead me down a hallway in the way we just came from.

"Well," I questioned. "What are you smiling about, and where are you taking me?" I looked at him suspiciously. Never trust anyone too much is my motto. Even the devilishly handsome ones.

"See, I noticed that we have a couple classes together, which is probably why they had me be your guide. And you'll be in my homeroom!" He smiled widely down at me. "Isn't that great?!"

"Just peachy," I threw back as he pulled us through the door that I assumed would be homeroom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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