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I miss writing
I miss faith before the baby
I miss my best friend

I miss holding hands with my mom and faith, walking down the street

Love used to radiate from us
Now it doesn't

I miss being able to smile
I miss the feeling of a clean slate
I miss having faith in God
In what I was taught

I shake now
When I get upset or depressed violent shaking that I can't control

I don't talk anymore
I keep my words locked up in my tummy leaving them there to stew and boil away

I haven't had my period in six months
I'm to stressed to produce and egg

I haven't relapsed
since my birthday
But looking at all of my friends back home makes me want to end all my

For a while I had a new suicide date you know. I've still got it, written on the inside of my head.

I'm not afraid to die,
It means I wouldn't hurt anymore
I wouldn't hat myself anymore

I miss smiling and not wanting to cry
I miss being able to talk to people without the fear of panic consuming me

I miss when my art was good
And I didn't rip everything up

I miss when I hadn't realized I was gay
And I was perfectly happy single talking with my friends.

I just don't know what to do.

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