Everyday in her entire life, Kelly was disgusted. Not only by herself, but everyone around her. Her friends who only talked to her when they needed something. Her friends who she thought were real, but turned out to be backstabbing her. Her family who always had a comment on her looks and appearance. The teachers who always expected so much from her, more than her body would allow. All the bullies who made sure she would be guarded and destroyed for the rest of her life. Her boyfriend who hurt her so bad she didn't think she was able to ever love someone again.
She needed to get away. She knew she couldn't get away from her mind, but she could leave this small town and head for her dreams. Kelly had a dream since she was a little girl, she wanted to move to England, more specific, London. It had been her dream since she first fell in love with the Harry Potter books and movies, and from there on, Britain was her greatest love.
Her family said they supported her, but she wasn't quite sure about it. Her closest friends told her to go for her dreams, but the friends she barely saw or hardly heard from told her not to go. It was weird how they didn't wanted her to leave, but she realised this were the "friends" who only talked to her when they needed something. If they wanted her to stay in the country, they could at least try to hang out with her more often, not once in every 6 months. The biggest reason she really needed to leave was because of people talking trash about her. The rumors went like flies and none of them were true, but people always believe what they hear, even if they don't check with the person it's about. She knew why people talked bad about her, it was because of her ex boyfriend and his friends. You think you know someone, and then bam! they turn around and are totally different. She had been with her boyfriend for 9 months, and she knew there had been som rough moments at the end, but she also thought things were going good again, but then he broke up with her without explaining why and he didn't even break up in person. He just changed the status on facebook. The fight with him went on and on for weeks after weeks, it was dreadful! What had she done to deserve this? She was utterly broken and couldn't trust anyone. All the lies and rumors ruined her, how could she ever trust anyone ever again? If people find it so easy to lie all the time, what is even the point? And why love someone if it never lasts? Her whole world as she saw it went to ground so fast, and she felt lost. All her big dreams for the future was gone in a second.
It was a big step to leave home after 20 years, leaving her family and friends behind, leaving her childhood. She was stepping out into the adulthood, and she was all alone in a big city.
The flight went well and she arrived at campus. All the other international students were there and she felt kind of small in the crowd. But she was determinded that this would be the greatest time of her life, even if she were alone at the moment.
This was her chance to make a new start, maybe she would find a hot brit and fall in love again?
The New Life
FanfictionThe main character is basically me, right now. Read the pilot and let me know if you want chapter 1! (cover will come)