4. Big Bushes

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Silence once again invaded the home after Alex and Dani had been left alone. It wasn't late, even with the situation with Rio taking more time than expected, only a quarter till midnight.

"Do you wanna take the car or take a driver?" She asked making her way to the professional kitchen, drenched with stainless steel, state-of-the-art tools, and marble. No longer needing to make a show she left her black pumps at the foot of the throne while redressing the sheer, feathered robe. "We got school in the morning, so I'm thinking driver." Still no answer.

"What you making like that ?" He popped over her shoulder, seemingly more interested in all the pots she was pulling out of the cabinet than her actual question. She ignored him, he knew what she was cooking so why bother asking? He chuckled, there's no way he was allowing that to happen. "Put them shits back up little girl. You ain't cooking that shit while I'm here."

"You can't tell me what to do in my own home Alexander." she felt the immediate tense of his chest on her back; he always loved when she called him that. "If you don't like it I suggest you go a floor down to your own home."

Alex stepped back and hoisted himself onto the granite island. "Ma, if you really wanted me to leave you wouldn't have called me that." He unbuttoned his dress shirt allowing the cool central air to prickle his skin, pacifying the tattoos that coated his torso, and arms. He stared at Dani lustfully as she ignored his remark, instead deciding to finish gathering her supplies. "Call the driver I bet we won't be able to get to tha crib on our own." Dani bent underneath the kitchen sink causing Alex to stifle a groan.

Dani heard, knowing he was getting towards the breaking point she said, "Forget The Cave, we'll go tomorrow, I'll call Carmela. I'm sure she'll be there by the time you get out of your shower. I'll have a car waiting to take her home when you're done". The poor girl was Alexs' on call hook up. Well, one of them anyways. He obviously didn't need any help getting girls, with his beautiful looks and growing bank account, they flocked to him. No getting them wasn't the problem, dropping them was. Whatever the reasons were, girls couldn't seem to let him go when he was done. They weren't dragged or tricked, they knew what it was and the girls agreed.The problem was that they all swore they could change him, turn him into a one woman man. So sad that they got hurt in the end.

Though at the moment he didn't want anyone, but he was still reeling from earlier. All he needed was a drink, a big one. "Pass me one of them bottles and I'll dip." He popped off each of his cuff links before realizing he didn't hear a drink being made. Dani was still casually grabbing the items she needed from various drawers. "Aye, I know yo ass heard me, get me a drink and I'll leave."

Dani turned her body around the room at a quicker pace, opening and closing cabinets at an alarming rate, overturning pots and pans, causing noise and commotion to ensue. Alex was confused, quickly jumping off the counter to grab Dani by the shoulders, shaking her into finally ceasing. Though her body was in a panic Danis' face remained completely blank as she stared up at the concerned Alex. "YO, WHAT THE FUCK! What are you DOING? You're destroying the kitchen." he shouted into her face.

With a face stotic still, she replied "Oh, I was just looking for who the fuck you were talking to. Cause it certainly wasn't me, was it ?" Dani gazed up and tapped her chin, seemingly lost in thought, making Alex chuckle.

"Naw, it wasn't you Boss, it was that pan behind you." He wasn't even mad at the joke, he should know not to speak that way towards her. Dani gets mad and strikes before you even know you said something offensive and if you don't take her threats seriously Alex has the scars to make you think twice. "I'ma just stay here, ain't no point going home if I gotta be here at dawn." Before she even registered the chaste kiss to her forehead and side hug, he was down the hall. Probably heading to his personal room that she had for him with customized bed spread and a closet full his own clothes he'd left over the years.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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