Ever After High: Ivora's Story Part 1

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Author's Note's:
This is a story about my ever after high oc. Please no hate. This is my first story. Hope you like it!

Chapter One
~Getting Ready~
Ivora was running around her room grabbing her stuff and putting it in a chest. Ivora was packing up to go to a new high school in a far far away land. The high school's name is ever after high. Ivora was going to be in a dorm because it was so far. Her mom came upstairs and yelled at her for running. Ivora apoligiesed quietly. Ivora is daughter of the wicked witch of the west. She has black long hair and green eyes. She was very kind for being daughter of a villain. Ivora asked before her mother left "Ummm how long is the r-ride?" Ivora was nervous because her mom had told her and she didn't hear her. Her mother replied "4 hours!" Ivora said quietly "o-ok." her mother said "We are leaving in 5 minutes." her mother left the room and Ivora continued packing. Ivora grabbed the last item witch was her mirror pad and opened her door. She ran down the stairs. When she finally got down stairs her mom was waiting there. Her mother said "Your Late!" Ivora replied "Sorry mother." her mother replied "We shall go by broom." Ivora knew it was such a family tradition to ride on a magic broom. She grabbed her broom and let go as it hovered in the air. She hopped on it. Her mom was on it while a flying monkey followed them out of the castle. The monkey was one of the guards of the castle they live in, in oz. The guard carried ivoras chest. Let me explain Ivora to you more. She has pale peach skin unlike her mother. She also used to go to monster high because she technically is a witch. She has a speciality in magic she can do anything with it. She is very quiet and friendly and dose not like people judging her or any gossip. I now will continue with the story. Ivora was on her broom doing loop to loops and swirls. Her mother yelled at her. Ivora quickly apoligized and sat up strait. The hours passed by and then they finally got to the school. It was about 8:30 am.

Chapter Two
~Settling In~

Ivora stood outside lined up with the rest of the students in front of the stair case. The headmaster spoke to the students and parents. Ivora listened and then he announced school is beginning. Her and the rest of the students said goodbye to their parents then ran inside. The first person to notice Ivora as a new student were two royal students named Apple White and Briar Beauty. They ran up to her and welcomed her. Briar then asked "Who's your parent?" Apple then said "Yeah who?!?!" Ivora replied "The wicked witch of the west." Both their mouths dropped. They both thought she was wicked and ran off. Ivora sighed. She walked in with her chest filled with her stuff in her hand and she put it in front of her locker. She went to class and met some friends. She went class from class. She finally got to lunch then went to a few more classes then went to her locker she grabbed her chest and went to see her dorm and roomie. She looked at the scroll on the bulletin board near the headmasters office. She was the only person in the hall and she went down the list and saw she had a girl named Melissa. She ran out of the school to the dormitory building. She went into her room and saw her roommate sitting on the couch watching tv. She looked up at said "hi you must be ivora." Ivora replied "yeah your Melissa." Melissa said "Yeah you can call me missy." "I'm daughter of maleficent." Ivora smiled as they chatted while unpacking.

Chapter Three
~New Beginnings~

Ivora finished unpacking and looked at the time. "It's time for school to start!" she screamed. Ivora ran grabbing her books. She ran up to the school smiling. She walked in and put her books in her locker. A dove flew to Ivora. The dove dropped a scroll in Ivora's hands then flew away. Ivora opened the scroll and it was a welcome letter then her schedual. She had history of magicilogy. She looked up to see her brother walking by talking to some other boys. He walked over to her as he saw she was all alone. He laughed and Ivora slapped him. When more people found out Ivora was daughter of a villain they all thought she was evil accept for the rebels of the school.

Chapter Four
~Royal's and Rebel's~

Ok now your wondering who are royals and rebels? Let me explain. The rebel's are students who don't want to follow there legacy. Royal's are students who will follow there parent's legacy. So now that you know will get back to the story. Ivora stood all alone in the empty hallway. She wanted everyone to leave her alone. She wasn't evil she was very kind and caring. Headmaster grim came down the hallway he came up to her. "Hello I'm the headmaster and your name is?" he said. "I'm Ivora west." she replied. They headmaster remembered her mother was evil so he ran off. Ivora was so upset but she couldn't even cry.

Chapter Five
~More Then A Nobody~

Ivora went class to class. At the end of the year she found out a royal who was student president was running for "Queen/King Of The School" Ivora decided she was going to run for it. All of the rebel's helped Ivora. She made new friends in those two hours of planning. She was so excited! That night Ivora did her throne work and listened to music on her mirror phone. That night she slept for awhile then woke up at seven in the morning. She decided to go back to sleep then woke up again at the time her alarm went off. It was 8:30 AM. She went and got dressed then ate breakfast. When she finished it was 8:55 AM. She went to school. She listened to Tailor Quicks new song called "Treble". She got her books and then someone said she had to go to campaign management at the end of school. She went class to class then to campaign management at the end of the school. Many royals mocked her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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