Chapter 1

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"Morning" Andy muttered into Sams chest as she looked up to see him awake "Hey yourself" Sam said stroking her arm "Breakfast?" Andy questioned getting up out of bed "Ye be there in a sec." Sam said getting up himself going to the toilet. Once he had finished he walking into the Kitchen "Eggs and bacon thats all i have in so your going to have to deal with that." Andy said frying the eggs as sam wraps his arms around her waist "Ye thats fine we need to hurry got work today" Sam said before unwrapping from her waist to set the 2 plates out for Andy to place the eggs and bacon on to. "Ye we've only being sneaking around 15's back for 1 month now Sam we need to tell them." Andy said placing the bacon on the plates then moving onto cracking the egg's. Once the eggs were done Andy moved onto eating them before jumping in the shower which then she did and dried her hair applyed some make up while sam was in the shower and dried his hair to, "Lift to work." Sam said putting on his shoes "Please sam." Andy said putting on her coat and picking up her Gym back which Sam followed along to and soon they were out of the door and off to work to be partners. 

*In sams Truck*

(Bold=Traci and Ittalics Andy)

"So Sam be safe out there ok please" Andy begged as her phone rung

Hey trac

Hey andy when you getting to work

Sams giving me a lift we are just round the corner from 15 now be there Bye 

Andy said and hung up "Andy I love you be safe to" Sam said giving her a peck on the lips and jumping out and grabbing his and Andy's Bag "Love you to dont forget you have boys poker ill do the groceri shopping for my place." Andy said and they went their seperate ways and into the girls locker room Andy went.

"So you and swarek together now?" Traci questioned her as soon as andy got through the door. "No we are not we are just Friends Trac." Andy said stripping down to put on her uniform. "Ok whatever you say parade in 2 Andy be quick." Traci said and walked out so andy Dashed around and then got her Vest and Duty belt and Grabbed her Gun and she made it to parade in the nick of time without making coffee which Sam gave her his when she walked in "Still friends eh?" Traci said as best walked in. "Shurup" Andy said and sat down to listen to Best speak about the new things and Pairings which then they all piled out to the squad cars to parole the area's "Come over tonight its just me" Andy asked sam after they had being in the car quite a while. "Ye i would but you told me to go to poker night so i wont be over straight away it would be about 10 or close enought" Sam said playing with her fingers in one of his hands. "Skip say you have a doctors appointment or something" Andy said "Ye i would do and i will as soon as we get this shift over with." Sam said and they pulled into a bakery for some food. "Love you sam more than you ever know" Andy said "oh i think i have an idea Mcnally and i love you to." Sam said just as they got a call.

*After Shift*

"Urghhh" Andy said groaning as she limped into the locker room "What the hell happened to you?" Traci asked straight away as soon as she heard her groan and limp in a fashion to her locker "Got attacked shot in the vest being one horrible day just want to go home and sleep." Andy said stripping when she saw the huge bruise forming in her rib cage. "Im coming over your in no fit state to be alone right now Andy" Traci said finishing up "Im alright trac I have some shopping to do anyways and im just going home to sleep anyways i wouldn't be much Company" Andy said attempting to tie her shoes then giving up and tucking them in. "Ok Andy let me give you a lift to the store and Home then?" Traci asked her which Andy nodded to and they walked out of the station together. Once andy was in Traci's car she noticed sam's truck was still there and flew him a text 

Andy: Hey sam im ok Trac is giving me a lift to the store then home Love you and can't wait to see you xxx

then a few minutes later he replyed with 'Got to go poker dont wait up i still have your spare key so ill let myself in" and with that they left the parking lot to nip to the store and Andy home which she was fully grateful for because she was in agony so she quickly limped round the store got the necessary bits and they were soon on their car journy to Andys appartment. Thats when Andy decided she wanted Traci to stay until Sam got home or close enough. so she asked her and traci said yes of course being a good friend. "Look Traci im really sorry but im in agony and i really dont want to be alone right now but i have someone coming over in a bit." Andy said as she slowly unpacked the groceries with the help of Traci "Its ok andy and who is this person?" Traci asked straight away "Nah i cant tell you Trace" Andy said and she limped into the living room relaxing on the chair till someone knocked on the door. (it was sam) but Traci didn't know who it was, When andy got to the door she opened it and sam leaned in for a kiss she pushed him back "Traci is here sam" Andy said and she opened the door for him to walk in, "Sam, Hi how are you?" Traci asked suprised "Im fine how are you nash?" He asked back "Fine, Sam why are you here at this time of night?" She asked him again "See how McNally was she took a really good beating today and shot so i needed to see how she was Nash." Sam said "Thanks sam." Andy said walking back in from the bathroom. "How are you feeling?" Traci asked "Better a bit i think." Andy said "Beer sam in the fridge get it if you want one" She says again to Sam. "Thanks i will acually." Sam says and winks at her 2Mins Andy wanted more wine "Back in a sec" Andy said and walked/Limped into the kitchen "Hey" Sam whisperes to her "Hey yourself Swarek." Andy said and pecks im on the lips which is when Traci see's the peck but not says anything "How are you in all Honestey" Sam asked and rests a hand on her hip. "Sore, achey, tired and i just wanna curl up in bed with you" Andy said and that is when Traci announces she's Leaving and that she would see andy and sam the next day.

"No offence to traci but im glad its just us to now." Andy said "I love you andy and you getting shot out there today Made me so scared and i had to try and not be the over protective Boyfriend i had to be the partner and that killed me" Sam said stroking down Andys bare arm. "I love you to and im so sorry i did that to you today and i'll make up for it when im better." Andy said as she leaned up and pecked him and thats when she winced "Ok your in pain get you cute little butt to bed and ill be through in a min." Sam said and Andy did so and sam soon followed and thats where they stayed the whole entire night till work the next morning.

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