Chapter 3

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"Andy?" Sam asked as she went down to the ground unexpectedly "Andy?" He said and still got no reply so he moved over to her to see she had being shot, It had gone under the vest so he fired back at this man or woman and the shooter was down, So sam radioed in officer down and undid Andys vest and applyed pressure.

What felt like ever to Sam the ambulance finally showed up and they put Andy in the ambulance But as they wheeled her away she Mumbled only sam would understand annd he knew so he wiped his hands on his uniform which was now covered in Andys Blood, His Andy's Blood. "How is she?" Oliver asked as soon as he got their "Its bad brother i shot the dude but my concern was Andy." Sam said and went back to the station to change he couldn't stay in uniform knowing he was wearing Andy's Blood. 

After Sam had being to the station he changed grabbed his bag and everything Andy had and needed out of her locker and went over to the hospital. He must have broken 9 Laws to get their to see her because he needed to, He needed to say how much he loved her and that they should come out as a couple which it would now because she was shot he was her boyfriend and she needed him. 

"Hello my name is Sam swarek im here for Andrea McNally?" Sam asked as soon as he got there. "You family?" the nurse asked back "Close enough im her fiance." Sam lied because he needed info and if he said boyfriend they wouldnt give him any. "She's in critical Condidtion in surgury prepare yourself its not looking good Sir." The nurse said and he thanked her and walked to sit in the waiting room chair "Sam Hey how is she." Traci asked staight away, "Critical and its looking bad." Sam could only say "How did you find out." Traci wondered because he wasnt family, "Andy's my fiance according to them." He said "Dont worry i know about you guys." Traci said "What... How... she told you." Sam said "No saw yas in the kitchen other night The peck to the lips ye i saw that." Traci said as the surgan came out, "Andrea... ye as i say shes made it it through she's not compleatly out of the woods its looking up now Sam your going to have to go through to be with your fiance." He said and walked away so he walked through to recovery and he gasped at the sight 

Wires everywhere, tubes going in and out and the only thing to tell him she was alive was the beeping of the machien monitering her vitals and Bloods, But he finally found courage to see he so when he went in he sat on the bed "Hey princess i dont know if you can here me but i need you to open your pretty little eyes and give me that sexy smile please i love you and im going to be here for you waiting Day and night for you to wake up but please come back to your family at 15, your dad and finally me" He said his voice breaking on the 'me' and he held her hand untiil he needed to move into a proper chair that would be his home while Andy was in hospital.Shortly the doctor came back in with a pillow and blanket for Sam so he would be able to sleep or try to anyways.

The next morning Sam woke up really early being 6Am when oliver came in with some coffee for him "Cheers brother" Sam mumbled "How is she?" Oliver asked now knowing they are together now. "No change apparently but thats good right?2 Sam asked scared she was gonna go. "Sammy she's gonna make it."  Oliver said using words of wisdom when they heard a groan and sams head shot to andy who was starting to wake up. "Ill give you a minute." Oliver said and walked out of Andys hospital room.

"Hey, How are you?" Sam asked as soon as Andy opened her eyes. "Sore." Andy said and smiled at sam as he gave her the cup of water which was refreshing to Andys throat. The doctor just started to walk in just as he noticed she was Awake, "HI miss McNally i see your awake." He said checking her stats "Yep i am." Andy said and held her hand out for sam to place his in which he did. "Miss everything looks ok so if it stays that way and im happy with the progress you should be ok to be relesed." The doctor said writing notes in andys medical notes. "When can i go back to work?" Andy asked "Urm 2 weeks after relese and desk for 1 week active duty after that unless your still in pain or something bad happenes and i would presume you would like to see your friends." The doctor said as they where all out in the waiting room. "Im fine fornow with sam hes all i want." Andy said and the doctor walked out of her room.  

"So how are you really feeling?" Sam asked leaning near her, "Sam im fine and what about us were out of the bag non of us hiding." Andy said  "No McNally we are not." Sam said then pressing his lips firmly on hers till there was much needed air. "We need to let people in soon." Andy said but content with just sam their with her. "Andy i can go out and get them." Sam said standing back up and making his way to kiss her again and walk back out of the door. "Thanks." Andy said to him as he walked out and shortly after everyone else came in from 15 divison to see andy but no sam. But he did return shortly after with a coffee, "Hey where did you just go?" Andy asked then she eyed the coffee "Coffee being up all night does take it toll." Sam said and then kissed her and everyone else in the room whistled and Andy nudged over and sam placed his coffee on the bedside table and got on with her and grabbed his coffee again. "So i guess me getting shot was what it took for us going public." Andy muttered into sams chest. But Andy tried to turn more into sam but ended up wincing instead "Hey take it easy." Sam said and rubbed his hand up and down her arm and placed a kiss into her hair. 

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