The Runaway Plan

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Sarah's POV

"MOM," I called my mom from upstairs. "YES SWEETIE," she answered. I could tell she was either in the living room or kitchen since I was hardly hearing her. "I can't find my clothes. Especially my prom dress," I called out to her. It took a few seconds before she said anything. "Um!" she said loudly for me to hear.

"Mom! " I whined. Just when I said that she barged in. I didn't cover up because

1. She was my mother. Not some stranger.

2. She gave birth to me and saw me naked and

3. I saw her naked millions of times.

I threw my self on my bed." Sweetheart, what have i told you about wearing your towel, "she asked putting her hands on her large hips." Ugh, mom. No one will see me, dad hardly comes in my room, I don't have anyone to come in my room and watch me and I always close my windows that way no one can peek, " I quickly added, closing my eyes.

She sighed and threw the towel over me. I got up and put my hands on my waist.
" So, where are my clothes?" She went outside of my room and came back in with a suitcase. I widened my eyes and opened my mouth in disbelief that she took my suitcase. "Stop catching flies and get your bag," my mom interrupted. I walked over to where she was standing and took a red alter back and black mini skirt.

She smiled at me and threw my panty at me before saying, " I'll miss you sweetie." She wiped away fake tears. "For what? I'll be here all year. Maybe even next year and the other year after that and the other,other year after....." And she cut me off. "I know,I know. I get it," she said putting her hands up in defense. She sighed and sat down on my bed.

"You're 18 years old and I want you to be a young,independent and ambitious young woman. So *sigh* I'm sending you off to college. TODAY!!!" Before I could process what she was saying,she pulled me into a hug. "Soooo,you're sending me to college,today?!?"I asked with a confused look on my face. She nodded and I answered. "Ok. No problemo." I said sitting down on the bed beside her. "Really? You mean no problem going to college?"my mom excitedly said holding my shoulder.

"Yeah! I mean it isn't a big deal!!! I said. It took a minute or two before anyone said anything. Well I disturbed the silence. WAIT WHAT?!?? I screamed. "What is it?" My mom asked.

"You're sending me to college? Today!? That explains the packed bag."

"You're father and I agreed to it. And you're going."

I gave her the puppy dog face. She could never resist that,ha.

"Don't gimmie that look. You're going."

"What the fuck mom!!!You're just telling me this and expect me to fucking to college TODAY!?."

"Honey calm down. It won't be that bad."

"Damn right you are. It'll be a living hell. It'll be awful."

"LADIES,I'M HOOME!! comes my dad's booming voice. I ran downstairs and gave him a big hug. "Daddy,please don't let me for to college." I whined.

I saw my mom coming down the steps so I gripped my dad's waist.

"Sweet heart. *sigh* I have to let you go. Its your chance to shine,"he said.

"But,but,but!" I said not knowing what to say. I let go off my dad with tears in my eyes. "Sweetheart," my mom said,holding her hands out for me to jump in them. I backed away and ran upstairs.

My mom chased after me but couldn't catch up. Old much.

"Sarah,Sarah honey,"she called out but i slammed the door in her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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