Water. Waves. That was what I saw as I was walking away from the sandy shoreline and out into the vastness of the cold, dark ocean. I kept thinking that after this I won't have to worry about the problems in my life any more. And then, the next thing I knew everything, went black.
I woke up disoriented and in a cold sweat. I was still a little confused from my strange dream. Why would I be walking in the ocean at night? I mean I love the water and all, but I would never go in it at night when there's rip currents that can pull you miles away from shore. Plus, right now I don't even have that many problems in my life, well, except that my dad is an alcoholic and fights with my mom a lot, but I try not to think about that,
I was still a bit groggy from my sleep, but then I realized it was Saturday! I silently celebrated in my mind. I absolutely love Saturdays because I always spend the whole morning in my room just listening to music, and sometimes reading. Right now I was in the middle of a romantic thriller, and was about to settle down on my bed with my book when I heard my mom calling me.
"Honey, wake up!", she quietly shouted from downstairs. I found it odd that she was calling me because she knows better then to bother me in the mornings, especially on Saturdays. "Analiese, wake up!", she called, slightly louder this time. I decided that I should go see what was going on, thinking that whatever she wanted must be important because she interrupted my relaxing time.
I came out of my purple bedroom still wearing my favorite blue pajamas. Then I found my mom waiting for me in the kitchen. I smelled pancakes cooking and heard the sizzle of bacon frying on the stove. "Boy, this must really be an important announcement", I thought to myself. My mom barely ever makes breakfast and when she does it's only on special occasions.
"Good morning, Mom", I said. "Good morning, Analiese". Wow, she used my full name. I was starting to get a bit worried because she rarely called me by that name. My full name is Analiese Nicole, but everyone I know calls me Ana. "Ana, have a seat please", she said in a very serious tone. Okay, now I'm really worried. Am I in trouble? I racked my brain for anything bad I've done in the last couple of days. Nope, not much, except for maybe staying out a little past my curfew. Then it hit me! Dad wasn't home yet and it's already past 10:00! He's always home by now!
"Mom", I started out slowly," Where's Dad?" She sighed. "Honey, that's what I need to talk to you about". Then she paused. The silence was agonizing. At this point I knew something must be horribly wrong. Then finally she said it. She said those six little words that began the worst time in my life.
"Analiese, your father is in jail."
• Author's Note•
Hayyy guys soooo this is my first book and I would love it if you would comment and tell me what you think!!! Yeah SOOO comment and vote!!! There's a lot more to come!!

Footprints in the Sand
Teen FictionAna is just a regular teen who has a regular life. She has a family that loves her, a nice house, an amazing boyfriend, and awesome friends. But soon enough her world comes crashing down when her father goes to jail and she's left to discover how cr...