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A/N: Hello hello hello. It's not the middle of the night!

Nothing to say but thanks to my lovely wife Sarah who's a freaking angel and always help me when I need her. U a babe love.

Enjoy the short update and see you very soon, I mean actual soon not Ptx soon ok? Okay.


Going back to their normal routine after Christmas felt even harder than usual.

It took them a couple of weeks to become accustomed with their daily life once again, saying goodbye to the freedom and the flexibility they had during the holiday. With the beginning of January all the changes in their lives were finally settling down - Avi had finally come back from his honeymoon, which had been moved a bit further than they had initially planned due to some family problems Catherine had experienced. And with Mitch and Scott being busy learning how to be the parents James deserved, arranging sessions for Pentatonix had been put on the side.

It wasn't exactly a bad thing - they always worked so hard, usually way more than it was actually needed, and they honestly knew that they deserved a break every now and then. With everything that had happened in those last months, it was safe to say that work had been the last thought in their minds.

With the beginning of the new year, though, they couldn't wait any more. They were about to announce their new tour in only a couple of weeks, and things were going to be pretty hectic as soon as that happened. Their last tour had been almost two years before - at the time it had been exhausting, and with all the new projects every one of them was creating, they had been happy to have some down time. They never abandoned the band, though, too attached to the magic their voices could create and the fanbase they had, and so they had kept writing and arranging.

In the end, the time to go back to work had finally come. Too bad that, to Scott and Mitch, it came during the worst week possible - where both Elizabeth and their babysitter of choice, Jackie, were out of town. They didn't trust anyone else to take care of Jamie, not when it came to leave their son for hours and hours.

Which meant, of course, taking him to the studio.

Scott thought, once again, how extremely lucky they were that Jamie was such a good baby. He knew that it wasn't the fact that he was biased - which might have been true, because if there was something he couldn't deny, it was the fact that Scott could be incredibly proud of the people he loved. However, when it came to James's behaviour around people, there weren't other words to describe it but perfect.

It helped that their friends loved children, and they especially loved the blonde boy to pieces. So it shouldn't have been a surprise when Jamie was lifted in Kevin's arms as soon as they let him down, his giggles resounding in the room as the man pretended to toss him in the air and then catch him, which lately was the child's favorite game.

"Well, that's it," Mitch said, shaking his head with a smile on his lips as he walked to the small couch to drop their bags, "we just lost our beatboxer and our son."

"Keviiiiin, noooo! He's gonna make me do that all day now!"

"Oh stop whining," the man said between lifts, his eyes never leaving the toddler, his signature smile brightening his face, "you can't just bring this precious boy and expect me not to play with him!"

Scott opened his mouth to reply - although he wasn't even sure what he wanted to say, because Jamie was precious and he had been aware that their friends would spend most of their time with his son, given that they had only seen him twice before that. He was interrupted, however, by Kirstin's voice, who gasped and then proceeded to ask, excited, "Scott, what is that?"

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