~Chapter 5- To Get to Know Jess (pt 2)~

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After a discussion in language arts, Jess and Ant decided to meet up at Jess's house during the weekend. Though the two considered each other as friends, Ant felt a bit awkward. I mean, how can you say your friends when you don't even know they're favorite color? And then go to their house? It just didn't add up to them.

Nonetheless, Ant didn't have the power to stop time, so the week went on to Saturday. In their now fully decorated room they started to wonder anxiously. What do I do to get him to open up? We're doing a poem together, so it has to be something we can agree on. That needs opinions. Gahh!!!

"Alright, calm down," Ant told themself. "Everything will be fine. You're gonna have a wonderful time. Yes." At this point they snapped and turned to point at themself in the mirror, remembering the fact that they were in their pajamas. "But you need to get dressed first," they scolded themself as they walked to their dresser.


Locking their house door, Ant shoved the key into the pocket of their jeans. (They would've put it in their shirt pocket, but their sea foam green sweatshirt didn't have any.) They set off, instructions to get to Jess's humble abode in hand.

Ant knocked on the door, hoping that she found the right house (or else things would be very awkward). It only took a few seconds for someone to answer the door, and that someone was not Jess.

It was a girl, who looked about thirteen. She wore overalls and a purple shirt underneath that. Her hair was a sandy brown and her eyes seemed to be the same color as Jess's. She looked them up and down, before shouting,"JESS! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!"

Holy crap. She can yell. Ant thought to themself. They looked again at the girl, and the girl looked at them. "Wait, you are Jess's friend, right?" she asked them, and they replied with a nod. "Oh, okay..." the girl said. After a bit of silence, she suddenly jumped up and said,"Oh! Almost forgot to let you in!"

Ant stepped inside as the girl shut the door. "Geez, what's taking him so long?" she said, and went down a hall. Ant took this as an opportunity to take in their surroundings. To their right was what he assumed to be the living room. There were two couches and a recliner, in the middle of them was a glass coffee table. A T.V. was mounted to the wall, which was currently playing some sort of cartoon. What they didn't realize was the dog (a newfoundland) rested on the couch.

Suddenly, the furry creature sat up and made eye contact with Ant. It then proceeded to jump of the couch and make its way towards them. Once it reached them, the dog circled their person, sniffing at their jeans. After all that was done, the went back to the front of them and jumped on them, sending the poor genderfluid falling backwards as a slobbery tongue attacked their face.

"Reese! Down!" a familiar voice shouted. The dog got off of Ant, and as the genderfluid wiped their face with their hands, they noticed Jess coming towards them. "You alright?" he asked, helping Ant up.

"Y-yeah," they stated, realizing that their glasses were smudged with saliva.

"Sorry about that. Reese gets excited around new people," Jess said, keeping the large dog by his side. "Follow me, I'll take you to the bathroom to clean up," he added.


After Ant was once more clean, they said,"I never knew you had a dog!"

Jess let out a small chuckle. "Does it matter?"

"Yes! I love dogs!" Ant exclaimed, forgetting about how they were so anxious a few minutes ago.

"Even big ones?" Jess asked.

"ESPECIALLY big ones!" the genderfluid stated, causing Jess to throw back his head and laugh.

"Geez, you're acting just as childish as Tyler! And THAT'S something," the boy said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Ant blurted out, mainly because they still didn't know how to navigate the house and needed a guide.

"My room. C'mon," he answered.

Jess's room had pastel yellow walls. On the right side was his metal frame bed. On both sides of the bed, there were two white bedside cabinets. One had an alarm clock, and the other one had a small cactus in a brown pot. A window was on the right of the bed, allowing you to see the garden of flowers growing in the backyard. Opposite of the bed was a wardrobe with a mirror. On top of the wardrobe, there was a record player and a typewriter. Next to the wardrobe was a wooden chest.

Jess sat on the bed and beckoned Ant to come sit next to him, which they did. After a bit of silence, the genderfluid asked,"How'd you get the dog?"

Jess's lips made a small smile as he said,"My little sister, May, the one that opened the door, wanted one for a while. And on their birthday, she got one."

"'Their'?" the brunette asked.

"Oh, yeah, I have two little sisters. Twins," Jess replied. "Her name's Tiffany, but we just call her Tiff. She's at the library right now with Mom."

"Is it hard to be an older sibling?" Ant asked, to which Jess shrugged.

"Depends which one you're talking about. They look alike, but they act so differently," he started. "May's really loud and forgetful, while Tiff's more shy and a brainiac, especially when it comes to science. But they both are really weird. The other day, I found May trying to communicate with a bird, and Tiff was trying to help her."

Ant giggled. "That is quite strange," they commented.

After a bit of silence, Jess asked,"You have any siblings?"

"Mhm," the genderfluid replied,"An older brother, Emiliano. He lives a few hours away."

"Ah. So you're the youngest?" the red head asked, to which they nodded.

They continued to talk and talk, getting to know each other better. Eventually, it started to get dark, meaning that Ant had to go home. But they didn't even realize the fact that Jess had let go of his stoic facade.


*kicks can*
So, ye. Here you go. Hopefully there are no errors in this like chappy 4 ;w; Also, there might be a new character in the next chapter ;))))

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