Chapter 1 - Tris

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***This is my first fan faction.  Please understand that when you read this.  Thank you.***

Three words can change everything. Who knew that three words in the right combination could bring such joy, and yet such sorrow when combined differently. I remember the first time he told me those three little words that broke down all my walls. "I love you," he said as he held me tightly under the willow tree in my parents' back yard all those years ago. Sure, we may have only been 15 and 17, but it proved to be an important part of shaping who I was to become, given my insecurities. 

As far back as I could remember, I had been self-conscious of the way I looked. I never thought any boy would consider me as pretty, let alone girlfriend material. All I saw when I looked in the mirror was stringy dirty blonde hair, dull blue grey eyes, hardly any curves compared to my class mates, and of course short. He always saw me differently, though. He could have had any girl in our class with as good looking as he was, but for some reason he chose me. He said that my beauty wasn't like anything he had ever encountered, that my eyes would always shine whenever I started talking about any topic I was interested in. Those three words proved to me that I was worthy of love. That I wasn't just someone in the background to be ignored and forgotten.

The next set of words to change my life didn't come until several years later after we had graduated high school. "Marry me Tris?" he asked so sweetly in our apartment in the kitchen. We had been living together for hardly a year when he asked. I was stunned at first as I stared at the simple band with the small diamond in the middle, but quickly recovered and gave him a quick, "Yes."

I called my mother and father shortly after to tell then the news. I gave them the details of how I had just gotten out of class and he had surprised me when I walked through the door. My father began laughing after I finished.

"What's so funny Dad?"

"He just couldn't wait could he?" he said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll have to ask him yourself. I can't believe my little girl is getting married." He paused, before adding in a slightly serious tone, "Are you sure you don't want to wait? You're awfully young."

"Dad, you and mom got married at twenty-three. Twenty isn't that much younger."

"You're right, but you'll always be my little girl, I can't help but feel like I'm losing you."

"You aren't Dad. You're just gaining another son."

"Oh God! I can't afford to send him to college too!" In mock frustration.

I laughed. "Dad, Caleb got a full scholarship to Duke, and I'm using student loans. You aren't paying for anyone's school."

"You're right, but I do feed you guys from time to time when you come over."

"That's true, and our fridge thanks you when you send us home with leftovers" I say with a chuckle.

"I love you Dad. I better call Christina before she strokes out about me not calling her the second after it happened."

"Love you too."

I turned toward my now fiancée. "So...I hear there was more to the plan then getting down on one knee in the kitchen?" He turned a bright red as he realized my Dad had revealed there was more to his proposal plan.

"Well, there might have been plans to buy you flowers, go to dinner, and finally propose under the stars at the dock were we had our first date." I just smile as he continues. "I just couldn't wait till Saturday Tris. I needed to know you're answer now." He looks me in the eyes as he pulls me into his arms swaying me back and forth.

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