Part: 21

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Elle's Pov-
I open the envelope and read it.
'Dear Elle Marie Johnson, we are proud to say that you have been accepted into our collage. You can sign up for your classes at the campus in 2 days. We are excited to welcome you! Hopefully we get to see you in August!!
                 💜, PROFESSOR BLACK"
I'm scream. I have never been this happy!! I immediately call G, but his phone goes to voice message. So I call Justin. He answers on the 2nd ring and I scream into the phone, "I MADE IT INTO MICHIGAN!!" He congratulated me and we talk about our futures. He's coming with me to Michigan for a few days and will help me move, sense G will still be on tour. I call all of my close family and friends and they all seem very happy. I call G again and he doesn't answer ;( So I try Jack. He answer and I tell him. He didn't seem very happy because I wouldn't be with him anymore but I don't care. I'm still pissed for what he did to me in school. I hop online and buy 2 plane tickets. After that, I look for houses and find one that is cute, in town and has a affordable price! It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and plenty of space. My favorite was the pool in the back!! I call the realistate lady and we set up a date for me to come see the house. I start to pack because I'm leaving in 2 days to go sign papers, and buy the house in Michigan. IM SO EXCITED. It was 4 pm, so I went into town. I found a campus den store and bought a bunch of Michigan wolverine apparel. I come home and my moms car was in the drive way. I run inside and rap my arms around her, "I GOT INTO THE COLLAGE I WANTED!!" I say and she's really happy. I have everything I need in life, a nice home, a good collage and G. How did I get lucky?

A/N: I'm not in collage and have no older siblings. So I have NO CLUE how you sign up for collage classes and how buying a house works so bear with me.😂😉 AND FUNNY STORY😧😂, I woke up at 4 o clock in the morning and I'm like "Damn! I feel like I peed myself" and then I noticed I bled through. Shit. So I cleaned everything up and now I'm laying on the downstairs couch writing at 4:30 in the morning on a school night😂

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