Letter Two

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Dear Encke,

I cried to you, I cried for you, I cried because of you. Bit I feel selfish, to be honest, I feel like I don't give you enough for you to know you can cry to me. I want you to know that I am here for you. I remember what I told you, 'I'm sorry I couldn't strong for you'. I always thought I was taking care of you, but really you were taking care of me, I was just to caught up in my self to notice. I am to caught in myself, I'm sorry. I should have been a better friend to you. From now on, I will be. Encke is a comet, it is far beyond this place and it only searches for the best. It deserved the best, that is why I addressed you this way. Lovejoy is a different comet, it is closer and has a better chance of crashing and being destroyed. I thought I already was, and you were always so kind and cheery I never really thought that someone as amazing as you had problems. That was my first mistake. I am glad we are friends, Encke.

I really am, Eliza.


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