Best Kept Secret (AU Joey Graceffa One-Shot) -Warning: Smutty Smut Smut-

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I sat in the back right corner of the room. I could really get away with anything and everything back there. This class was Maths. Her worst subject. Now she wasn't a stereotypical dunb bad girl. It was technically her teachers fault. Her sexy Maths teacher, who went by the name of Mr. Graceffa. But why would he notice her? She wasn't near as pretty as half the other girls that flirted with him. It was when she was daydreaming the bell rang, presenting the end of the day. She lowered her feet from her desk and slung her bookbag over her shoulder before walking out.

"Ms. Jones?" The teacher calls for her.

"What did you do this time Harper?" One of the jerks at school teased walking past her. She elbowed him in the stomach before walking over to the teacher. He could get lost in his eyes so easily, the bright green of some days, and blue of others. His perfect face and quiffed golden brown hair.

"What?" She asked him.

"Don't think I don't recognize you not paying attention during class." He mutters looking intensely at her.

"I honestly see no point. The class is confusing anyways." She mutters smacking on the gum in her mouth before spitting it into the trashcan.

"Maybe it wouldn't be so hard if you paid attention?" The teacher suggested scoffing slightly. Harper glared at him before brushing her hair out her face. She pouted.

"I tried at the begging Graceffa, I really did. It doesn't make sense. That's all." She admits. She actually starting having her small crush on the teacher during the middle of the year, so she did try until the day she realized.

"Take out your text book." He demands. Harper lets out a loud sigh before walking over to her desk and taking out the huge book and hauling it back over to the desk. She hopped up on the desk opening it to todays lesson. Joey didn't approve of her sitting on her desk, but joined her sitting glancing over at how she scrunched up her face when she didn't understand what she was reading.

"What don't you get?" He asks. She looks up at him intensely sighing.

"Everything." She mumbled turning her attention back to the book. Joey took the book off her lap before grabbing a pencil. It would erase easily, and the students already draw in them anyways, He underlined a few things and filled in a answer in the book for her.

"Now you try." He told her handing the pencil. She took it before looking at the next problem. She got confused again.

"I don't get how you did better at the beginning of the year but have recently been doing rather poorly at this class compared to others." Joey rambles.

"I get easily distracted." Harper mutters still trying to figure out the problem.

"By what?" The teacher asks. Leaning over her shoulder to observe what she was doing. She blushes as his chest accidently touches her back.

"Oh nothing." She quickly assured.

"You sure?" He asks. She nods quckly.

"Tell me?" He asks.

"Someone in the class." She whispers still racking her brain to figure it out.

"Who?" He asked.

"No one." She mumbles.

"A hint at least." Joey chuckles. She slams the book closed before letting out a frustrated groan.

"I really don't get this and you aren't exactly helping me Joey." She said with an exasperated sigh.

"I need to get this distraction out of you before I can help, so I can try to solve it." He answered crossing his arms showing his huge muscles. Harper noticed looking at them a bit, rubbing her tounge over her bottom lip. She quickly looked uo realizing what she was doing. She placed her bookbag on one of the front rows  seats.

Best Kept Secret (AU Joey Graceffa One-Shot) -Warning: Smutty Smut Smut-Where stories live. Discover now