The Stupidest Crew

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Hey look, azhriel made a new amazing and probably going to blow your mind, story.
This is made because my classmate won't stop telling me to make him a story, so here it is.

Jervee was a poor homeless man, his parents died because of a car crash.
But one day, he met his old friend Sean, and Sean on the other hand was successful man. He was a famous sailor, he sailed the most dangerous and the most girly seas.

Sean invited him to join his crew, and because jervee was homeless, he accepted it.

There he met Red Zinfandel,Rafael,Kurt and Mart. They were the most stupid crew in the whole wide seas. After that they embarked on a great quest to kill the Hydra.

(Yes this is a fantasy story and shut up because I'm making the story, not you!!)

In there way to the cave where the Hydra was seen, they encountered a goddess named Kanwal the great and powerful. Sean's crew look at her closely with open mouths. They were amazed of the intelligence of the goddess.

Then suddenly the goddess disappeared and left a piece of a puzzle. The crew took the puzzle piece and look at it closely. They shouted "We found a puzzle piece".

They continued to sail the wide seas, and they encountered a beautiful mermaid named Joker. The crew looked at her closely then the mermaid winked at Mart.

Mart on the other hand was feeling something deep inside. He felt love!
(Nagayuma sya!!)
Mart quickly dived in the waters and swam fast to Joker.
Joker laughed suspiciously, Red, well he was in the chest hiding because something was off. Then suddenly the mermaid shouted " Red come out or I will kill your precious friend." Red had no choice so he took his underwear and put it to a stick and waved it around while saying " I surrender". The mermaid said. Now marry me."
Jervee on the other hand was on top of the ship hiding from the mermaid, but the mass of the ship couldn't hold the weight of Jervee. So the large mass fell on the mermaid and the crew was saved by the the cowardliness of Jervee.

Then they continued to sail to the Hydra's lair.
When they reached it they met there rival Lannah and her crew. They both quickly charged the Hydra and shot it with there cannons, and Jervee was hiding in the closet the whole battle. Then after several cannons they killed it with a bang of TNT. Yeah, bad ass.

The only one who got injured was Rafael because he kissed a sea urchin.

Then they were about to collect the meat of the Hydra but they were left with bones of it, because Lannah already got the meat.

(Hahaha poor Rafael everyone is so stupid in my world)

While they were in the search for supplies they encountered a vendor named Hannah who was selling golden cannon balls. Kurt was curious if they were real or fake so he wondered around the store and he saw a man who was painting iron cannon balls with gold paint. He went closer and asked the man who he was. The man said " I am Ivan the gay". So Kurt replied " oh hello Ivan, my name is Kurt. What nice cannon balls you have there. Okay good bye now.

So they bought the golden cannon balls and they were broke. So they searched for a new quest.
Several minutes later.
Sean came back with a quest. The quest was to get the great Simon out of his room, because Simon liked to watch anime. So Sean went to Simon's house and blew it up. (Well that's all for Simon's part.)

On Sean's way to the ship, he met Elmo. Elmo's dream was to sail the great wide seas. So Sean invited him to join him and Elmo accepted it.
On the way to the ship they encountered a sleeping tiger.
Elmo, poked the tiger then he got eaten by the tiger. Sean just kept walking to the ship.

There new quest was to save the Brave King Jerico from the fishes. When they got there they saw the Brave King Jerico on a small boat. They quickly helped the Brave King Jerico to his castle. Then King Jericho said to the crew to kill all the fishes in the land. So the crew kept digging the ground for fishes until Red suggested to search for fishes in the sea. When they got back to the ship, Kurt peed in the sea. Then suddenly the fishes rise and when they were up they were dead that happened all around of the island.
Wow Kurt's pee is powerful. The Brave King Jerico thanked Kurt for peeing in the sea and the crew.

When on there way home, they saw a bunch of black balls in the sea. Red thought the black balls were bouncy balls, so he jumped in!!! Unfortunately the balls were sea urchins and Red got poked so many times.

While almost home they stumbled on a tower. It clearly said not to enter, but they still went in. There they met the witch named Alda. She said "you trespassers shall be punished. Now I'm going to touch you!" The crew screamed like little girls, and while they were running around. Jervee was digging a hole so he won't get touched, but when he finished the witch was too close so he just runned away then the witch didn't see the hole so she fell in then got covered by a lot of dirt. Then they reached there home safely.

They have a new quest. The quest was to kill an alien.
After several weeks. They found one. It shouted at them it said "My name is the great emperor Dave!!!" While it was talking nonsense Kurt quickly took a grappling hook and jumped on. There he saw a great big button, it clearly said not to push but knowing that his stupid he pushed it. It was actually the self destruct button, and while the timer was counting down Kurt quickly jumped out and landed on the boat. The alien unfortunately died.

On there way back, they met a wizard named Joshua. Joshua was a mad wizard. He looked at Mart closely then he made him float and then dropped him on a pile of sea urchins.

In one night, a girl went in to there ship and of course they did not notice her.
Until Jervee got hungry and went in the storage to get food and he saw the girl.
The girl was interviewed by Mart. Mart was shocked to know that the girl was a princess. Her name was Ruizy. Mart quickly told his crew and they all gathered on the deck with the princess, then they started singing,dancing and eating. It was a great celebration until the 2 bad dwarves came, there name was Angelo and Jhossa. They were the meanest and baddest dwarves, and they always bully the princess, but today Mart was there to save the day. Mart kicked Angelo on the face, then he threw jhossa off the boat. Then the process fell in love with Mart, unfortunately Mart thought the princess was a dwarf as well, so he threw the princess off the boat then sailed away. The whole crew thought the princess runned away.

They stumbled on a shrine, it was shiny, so the crew kept touching it. Until Red pushed a button accidentally. Then the sky kept getting brighter and brighter, until an angel came out. It introduced herself as Kyla the Angel. All of the crew introduced themselves. Then the angel said "great we know who each other are. Now I'm going to eat you!"
Jervee runned fast to the boat, then he accidentally released the sails, which made the boat crash on the Angel. Then the Angel mysteriously disappeared.
Then there boat disappeared as well.

Then they lived on that shiny shrine from now on, or will they survive.


(I know you thought the puzzle piece meant something, the answer is no, and you think the rival is meant for something no again. Hahaha)

Or is it?

Leave down in the comments if I should so a sequal or no, and I should just lay down and just sleep your choice.

All of the names in the story were my classmates hehe I had more classmates, so that's why there is a part 2 of this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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