Good morning Phoenix Drop

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Aphmau's POV:
I woke up, I didnt bother with my hair..I saw Laurance beside me..Laying asleep, I knew what he did, But I wont confront him here..I cant, A tear stroke its way down my cheek, I knew I losted it all..He broke my walls. How do I live? How do I stop the suffering?..At least school's started, a brand new school a faint smile lighted up my face..If I losted it all, I couldnt be happy at all, I have to take a chance at this school, I have to sort Laurance out, first step..Meeting friends, I heard a boy is showing me around today, I got dressed and brushed my teeth, I didnt eat..I walked out while Laurance was still in bed..For my First day at MyStreet Academy...

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