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By: Jordan Robb

A Story about Loss, Love, Death, Fear, Bravery, and Secrets


Earth isn't the only inhabited planet. Out there in the unknown, in the vast empty space is a planet that is dying. The planet just like earth is round, has land and water, has plants, and it has humans. It is a copy of what our planet could be like in the future. The planet is full of pollution and death. The people on the planet itself had started to kill each other off because religion, race, gender, and plain hatred for one another. As the people started to die the planet started to die along with the people. As the war was happening the planet started to get destroyed and die as the destruction continued. The planet was once a long time ago called Jokashika but as the wear and tear of time the planet was renamed to Loss. The people of the planet- the soul leaders and those lucky few who had money beyond measure fled. They left their dying home. Their relatives, lovers, pets, friends, everyone else was left behind to die. As the few hopefuls were leaving they swore that they would find a way to save the planet and get it back to its glory that had been long lost.

When they showed up on our doorstep in huge spaceships that was nothing we could have even dreamed of, we freaked out. Some people separated, some got together, most people packed and fled. They fled to the mountains, and forests. Very very few stayed in their homes and continued with their daily lives. We as people of earth didn't know what to do. When the leaders of earth came together and sent out a message to the people of the ships, everyone held their breaths and waited to find out if our visitors were friendly. No-one on both sides could imagine the outcome of the visitors coming to earth.

Chapter One: Doorstep


Now as you can see almost every book out there that has ever been written is about a normal girl who has the biggest crush ever on some random boy who plays football or something. See here though Luke Warren wasn't normal and he was fine with not being normal. He was the kid who is picked last for sports in Pe- because he doesn't try. He wasn't bad at school, no not in the least he was quite intelligent. Which happened to make more people dislike him. He was tall and had only black clothes in his closet. He was as tall as any basketball player wanted to be but he didn't see the point in playing sports anymore. He wasn't lanky on the contrary he was a buff guy. He had a pair of huge big blue eyes that his blonde hair was always covering. He hated school because of how the teachers always looked down on the students. He hated how everyone walked in packs. How the girls would say rude stuff behind each other's backs but pretend to be best friends to each other's faces.

Most of all Luke hated how everyone would say stuff to him as if he couldn't hear them. They would talk about how he did drugs and got drunk, how his mom and brother had died. See Luke wasn't always like this he used to be class president, on all the fundraiser teams, and he used to play basketball. Luke used to be a ladies man and do all of those things but he wasn't doing them by himself he was doing it with his twin brother. The Warren brothers the best of friends. The two jokesters. The guys that girls would chase after and dream about. When Luke's mother had been killed by a drunk driver, josh acted as if he was the authoritive figure that Luke needed. Luke hadn't been counting on his brother getting in a fight at the club. Luke hadn't ever have though that some random drunk would pull a knife on josh and stab him in the middle of a bar fight.


Luke felt as if he was alone but he wasn't. He had been watched the entire time from his winning basket in the final game to the present moment. He was being watched by a seventeen year old boy who was up floating in space on a space ship. See Luke was being watched by one of the people from Loss. The boy who was as normal as you and I, was named Scott Fraser. Scott had been watching Luke for some time now as the leaders of his planet were assessing and watching earth seeing if it would be a fit place to live. Scott felt completely alone just as Luke did. If Scott had the chance you can bet that he would have been the drunk stoner kid who hated everyone. He had always hated his peers back at his old school on Loss. He felt that they were all below him and that he was going to be the next great leader of his planet. He never thought that his father and mother would have been killed in an explosion in the countryside. He had been taken in by his dad's best friend George.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2016 ⏰

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