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Niall told me he was going to talk to miss lavelle to tell her I'll be late to class cause he wanted to talk to me.

15 minutes later and he came back.

"Jodie we've to talk."

"About??" I asked.

"Well since I now teach you nothing can happen. I thought you were a lovely girl and something could've happened but now that your my student nothing can happen. I think I got feelings for you but nothing I can do with them."

"I know I wish you weren't my teacher. I have feelings for you too."

"Well unless we try something but do nothing in school and let no one know not even family or friends."

"Okay so are we gonna try this"

"If you want to"

I genuinely did have feelings for my teacher Mr Niall Horan and I wasn't gonna deny it I loved him at that.

"I do Niall I genuinely do I'll do anything for us to try something and maybe for it to last"

"Okay, Jodie would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to Niall"

To think I'm Niall Horans my hottie teachers girlfriend is mad to even think about. I would change being with him for anything these feelings I have are to strong to ignore. I think I may even love him.

"Since I have you next class and all the girls in that class try get something with me please don't get jealous babe I've only eyes for you"

"I won't I promise"

"Good now you better get back to ms lavelles class before she gives out even more to me"

"Right see you next class" I gave him a kiss to the lips and then left.

***sorry for the update taking so long, I forgot my password and couldn't get back onto it. Hope this is good***

Mr. HoranWhere stories live. Discover now