I swear I'm only dreaming

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About twenty minutes later, I heard tires screeching outside. That's odd, I thought, who could that be?

I desperately tried to will my body to lift itself up and allow me to peek out of the bathroom window. However, it wasn't cooperating.

It's a very peculiar (and certainty very frustrating) feeling. Almost like being trapped, tied down to the ground and unable to breathe.

That's a metaphor by the way, I could still physically breathe. Mentally, however, I felt like I was being strangled.

The door slowly and eerily creaked open. Then I heard slow footsteps, and a deep voice.

"Is anyone in here?" Someone asked, firmly but with a slight (barely audible) tone of cautiosness in their voice.

Yes, yes I'm here, I wanted to yell back, but of course my vocal cords weren't functioning the way I wanted them to.

I thought harder and harder, believing that maybe if I thought hard enough my body would respond.

But of course it didn't.

The person continued to walk around the house, concluding a few minutes later that it was, in fact, empty.

"Ok, I think it's free" they shouted out the door.
Then I heard more footsteps. And more. And more. And more. And more. There were at least eight people in the house now.

Hey, I'M HERE!!

Of course, no one heard me. I would have to stay here until one of them found me. Then, they would inevitably question me and I wouldn't be able to respond.

What would they do with me? Throw me out of the house? Call the cops? Take me to the hospital? Or would they simply leave me be?

The latter was what I wanted.


I ended up staying there for abiut another 2 hours as the mysterious people sat on the floor and discussed paintings, politics, music and marijuana.

I must admit, it was quite interesting to just lay there and listen. As they discussed each subject I imagined myself there with them, voicing my opinion.

At a certain point, someone got up and began walking towards me. I don't think they even noticed that there was someone lying on the floor until they got very close to me. When they did notice, the first thing they did was scream.

While I definitely didn't appreciate it, it's understandable.
The others all ran towards me and eventually formed a circle of curious heads above me.

"Hello? "

" Who are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

"How long have you been here?"

The strangers asked me. I wanted to reply, believe me I did. But my body wasn't allowing me to, even when I focused as hard as I could.

After kicking me in the head several times to see if I was concious, they determined that I was dead.

"So what do we do now? Call an ambulance? "

"It's too late for that, he seems to be dead. Let's just bring him outside and bury him."

"NO!" I finally managed to scream as I jumped up, "I'm not dead, I was just unconscious, I think"

But I knew that was not the truth. I wasn't unconscious. It was something else, I just wasn't sure what.
Maybe my mental state is starting to affect my physical state? That would explain a lot. I don't know.

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