Chapter 14

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AN: Thanks so much Ame_Tasogare for commenting on the previous chapter! Hope you'll enjoy reading this one as wel!


Chapter 14:

After ensuring that the airships of Duscha and Espiritu were safe in their new docking location, Ciaran returned to his wharf while Falkner headed back to the clinic for a quick debriefing, as he called it.

The first place Ciaran visited was his office. Popping his head inside, he was grateful to see that at least that place was physically unharmed. Seemingly the only place that wasn't. The Black Flame, however, didn't look all that happy. It was almost bristling in its lantern.

After what he had witnessed from the flame before, he was fairly certain that it was a warning of some kind. Something else was going to happen.

"Should I move Kirjonen and Wiglaf's airships as well?" Ciaran questioned as he turned toward Xander, who had dutifully followed him just about everywhere since Logre's order.

Xander shook his head. "That would be too suspicious."

It would probably be difficult, too, trying to keep four airships in one place.

"I guess yeh right," Ciaran murmured as he chewed on his bottom lip, still highly on edge. Why wouldn't he be? He was just the wharf-master for crying out loud! These types of things weren't supposed to happen to someone like him.

Glancing around nervously, Ciaran quickly remembered that he was supposed to get another protective visitor, one who promised to check up on him after speaking with the Count. Not seeing said brown-haired fortress around was even more alarming. Sure, he was injured and all. But still...

"Where could Roxbury be?" Ciaran questioned aloud, his concern going up a notch as the fortress never, ever went back on his word. "I figure he would be here by now."

Xander, too, seemed rather surprised that Roxbury hadn't shown up at all. Not even briefly. "Maybe his previous injuries are delaying him?" he offered.

Ciaran couldn't help but wince. "...Yeah. He was pretty banged up, huh?"

But before Ciaran could muse anymore about it, Xander reacted negatively to something. He unsheathed his driveblade and spun around, purposely placing himself directly in front of Ciaran. Startled, Ciaran found himself unconsciously grasping at his right arm and moving a fraction closer to Xander.

"Well, well, isn't it Xander?" a frighteningly familiar voice taunted.

Xander seemed to growl lowly in his throat. "Neolani."

Peering out from behind Xander, Ciaran was somewhat surprised to see that Neolani was a young woman, probably no older than he was, with long blonde hair and flawless features. He wasn't expecting the infamous Neolani, the one to cause both Nitish and Achyuta so much pain, to be so young.

However, her eyes were deathly cold, her lips twisted into a smirk that was filled with superiority. He could easily tell that she wasn't a nice person. Not even hidden underneath.

"You've become quite the hero, haven't you?" Neolani continued, almost mockingly as several more armour clad Imperials stood at attention behind her.

"And you've become quite the terrorist," Xander retorted back harshly.

Neolani's expression noticeably darkened, but the smirk remained. "I prefer to think freedom fighter."

Xander seemed unable to stop himself from scoffing at that. "You would," he all but sneered.

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