Chapter 1

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In the fair city of Malcolm there is great secrets. Secrets than ran through the town like blood in one's veins. For twas a humble town, the people kept to themselves, and traded on occasion with the city to the east called Mockingbird. Not much could be said for Malcolm. The city resided a day's journey on horseback from the lake and a many of simple clear waters lay in the surrounding forest. The waters are whispered to be wonders with whimsical tales told by mothers to their children. They where said to change colours from shades of lilac to blue among others. Tales I myself was told growing up in Mockingbird as a young boy. The people in Mockingbird often look to their closest ally and near city as a reserved sort of place with kind enough hard working people. Only once in my life had I ever visited Malcolm as only traders, merchants and seamstresses where ever allowed past it's iron gate. When I was near eight my father brought me with him on a trade.

"Its good to see the world," He had said which puzzled me ample.

"But this is but one city," I said scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

"Perhaps," he said fixing his brown hair from his green eyes and looking closely at me," and yet perhaps not."

I remember his green eyes amused at my forthcoming question.

"How can a world fit in just one town?"

"You will see but it is a different world you have never seen."

It was then that my eyes widened in curiosity. I carried the large baskets of pickled meats and dried meats. We where in a group of merchants all coming from Mockingbird to trade. My father pushed the cart and guided me like a dog guides a sheep from a cliff. I near bumped into two ladies who had a strangeness about them. When I apologized I noticed one held a toad in her hand. As we wandered further into the city center I saw marvels of people. I near took fright and hurried back to the gate but I was entranced with curiosity. Here in Malcolm there was people who flew, who appeared to have fangs, there where even some adults much smaller than me. The most intriguing part of all was they all seemed to get along. In my amazement I walked into someone's back. I then tripped over a bucket and gasped at the fall. Embarrassed I picked up all the products surprised no jars broke then looked up. The person I had bumped into was a boy like me. He had dark purple eyes and black hair that flopped to one side. When he grinned at my state I looked to him in curiosity. Our gazes caught.

"Sorry for running into you," I said.

"Its fine," He said reaching out a hand,"here let me help you up."

Now standing I looked back to my father who had been silent the whole while.

"Father?" I called.

"Yes son?"

"Sorry I fell. All the produce is okay though," I grinned then turned back to the boy.

"Your poor father there," he said.

"Why's that?"

"He can't see me," he says with a shrug," guess I should fix that."

A soft shimmer of purple light danced off his fingertips. He tilted his head to see my father and gave him a small wave. I looked back at my father's shocked face. He then cautiously rolls the cart to me.

"Hello boy," my father said said shaking the boy's hand.

"Hello sir. You're on your way to do some trading then?" My father nodded,"I best not be keeping ya then," he said with a wink beginning to move away.

"Wait. What is your name?" I asked suddenly not wanting him to leave.

"Henry," he winked again shaking my hand," yourself?"

"Daniel," I say," are you off somewhere because I wanna ask you about that purple light. We are going to city center you could come."

"If it's alright with your father. Mr..."

"Mr.Giles. It's all good with me if you tag along. We have a busy day to set up for and we will be gone late evening 'morrow," my father said.

I remember now looking back that was when I made a friend who lived in Malcolm. Someone that I see twice a year when i accompany my father on trades and have been looking forward to see every time. Its fall now and I wouldn't be seeing Henry until after the harvest of our crops. I counted down the days.

"Daniel!" My mother's call interupted my thoughts.

"Yes?!" I said slidding on a green cotton shirt and fixing my hair.

"Hurry down your father wants you to go hunting!"

I grinned and took my bow and arrows from the wall above my bed. I tied up my good boots and left my house, munching on an apple as I did so. My father now trusted me enough to hunt alone since I had turned sixteen which left him more time to get the wood for the fire or in a case like today: work the field. We lived just outside Mockingbird. I imitated the call of a Mockingbird as I walked to the woods through the field. I disgarded the core of my breakfast and hurried into the woods. I stalked and killed two prey as the sun had begun to rise high into the sky. I held a fair rabbit and small fox on my belt.

"Time for a break," I say to myself resting my back upon a tree. I imitated a Mockingbird call once more. My brown hair flopped into my eyes as I dozed off into sleep. The cool breeze whooshing past my ears like endless lullaby.

"Wow you look funny when your sleeping," I woke to hear a familiar voice say.

I opened my eyes and stood up so suddenly I banged my head on the branch of the tree i had been leaning on. I rubbed my head and looked to see Peter laughing. I grumbled at my cousin as he continued to stand laughing at me.

"Shut up you puny rat," I punched his shoulder then I softened.

"I'm not puny I am going on 6 and you should be more responsible Daniel," He waved a chubby finger at me," uncle John sent me to get you and I find you here a sleepin'."

Alarmed at this news I look to the prey I've killed and grumble. Not nearly enough to make up for my lengthy absence. My eyes wander to a Mockingbird fluttering its wings on a stone. I smile at the sight.

"You know your dad isn't gonna be very happy it took you this long to kill two puny things," Peter said to me pulling at his blond hair.

I poked his nose and grabbed his trousers pulling him beside me. He whined loudly at me and all the while the mockingbird didn't move away. I looked at the bird closely then surprised at its calm. Purple eyes. Eyes that I recognize immediately. I let go of Peter immediately causing him to fall into a pile of leaves.

"Ow!" He exclaimed then began to whine again at my behaviour. I wasn't listening to his words. I was focused solely on the mockingbird. Something about it was full of familiarity.

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