I woke up the next day realizing I had to go to this horrible place called school. To be honest, I don't even know why I need to go to school like I'm a model for god sakes!
I wore gray loose sweats and a loose gray sweater. I totally forgot we had gym today. I don't usually change in fromt of the girls cause if I did I bet you they would say "for a nerd you have a nice body." Or they would just stare at me in a weird look.
"Ringggggg!" My phone beeped. It was Alissandra.
"Hi Candince."
"What's up?"
"Can you pick me up." I heard a crack in her voice.
"Of course, but are you okay?
"Yeah I'm fine. Just come quick."
I took my Mercedes and arrived at Alissandra's house.
She slowly strolled to my car.
"What's wrong?" I asked worryingly
"Me and Michael are breaking up after
2 years of being together." She sobbed."What? Why?!"
"Turns out he was cheating on me this whole time with this bitch that looks like a potato."
I held in my laugh as soon as she said potato.
"Yeah?" She wiped the tears off her eyes.
"If he played you than you deserve much better. Like look at you! You're so gorgeous. I don't know why he played you. It's his loss anyways."She smiled a bit but I could tell it was a fake smile.
As we were driving to school I put her favorite song "Needed me" by Rihanna. We were both singing along and she soon finally had a real smile on her face.
We arrived at school and as we were walking out, we saw a crowd filling up.Ugh guess who was the center of attention. Justin.
I heard people mumbling "I can't believe he's dating the number one Victoria's Secret model Candince Heart."
"I can't believe he's bragging about being with me." I whisper to Alissandra.
"I know right but thank god he doesn't know it's you right now." She sighs
I guess he forgot about the bet on friday when I left detention for a photoshoot.
Oh well. That's great news for me.
I was strolling down to first period with Alissandra as I hear a voice say my name. "Oh Candinceeee!"
I turn around and stand across from the person that I've been avoiding the most. Justin.
"What do you want." I say with an annoying tone
"Oh you know, just want you to do whatever I say for two weeks."
Aw crap. I thought he would forget by now.
"Alright so what the hell do you want me to do."
"Meet me after school in the parking lot." He grins.
I give him a nasty look. He better not do anything that gets me in trouble. As the bell rings, I look at Alissandra who looks confused as ever.
"What is it?" I ask her
"You made a deal with Justin?!" She questions
"Yeah I guess."
"For what though?" She sounded concern.
"That day when i had a photoshoot, I had detention too. So I told him to cover for me and he said he wants something in return."
"And what exactly does he want?" She asks
"I don't know yet. Why are you so concerned anyways."
"Because Candince, I dated him, and i know what he's capable of."
Oh I forgot to say Alissandra dated Justin for about 2 months. And then he dumped her. That's why I hate him.
"I know, but trust me, I'm gonna make sure he stays at least 4 ft away from me."
"Alright. Whatever you do don't look into his eyes. You'll fall for them. Literally." She said sarcastically
I giggle and we head to class. We were like 15 minutes late but I didn't care. I love my bestfriend. Always looking after me.
Sorry, I didn't update in forever! So I wrote this chapter longer than usual.