Ticci Toby Origin

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Toby grew up with several mental disorders during his childhood, making it difficult for him to fit in with "normal people". He was constantly bullied by his classmates for his and was ultimately deemed unsuited for a public school surrounding, so he switched to homeschooling. Although he had plenty of support from his mother and older sister Lyra, his father lost himself to alcohol, drugs and gambling, and started abusing his family.

When Toby was 17, he and his sister were involved in a tragic car accident that resulted in Lyra's death. Toby's symptoms started to worsen because of this; he lost his appetite for food, slowly began to lose his memories, and became even less social than before. The Slender Man started to repeatedly stalk Toby afterwards in order to turn him into a Proxy, and slowly does so by giving him strange visual and auditory hallucinations. Toby eventually listened to the voices in his head and violently murdered his father. In a desperate attempt to escape the police, he set the neighborhood on fire as a distraction, but was quickly surrounded by the flames. He was about to give into his inevitable death when the Slender Man saved him as he was about to black out. When Toby woke up, all his memories of the past were taken by Slender Man and he became a loyal Proxy.


Even though Toby usually has an up-beat and hyper personality, he can be very sarcastic at times and he will sometimes lose control of his emotions due to his bipolar disorder. He can change from being very emotional to being angry or happy in an instant, making it very difficult to talk to him at times. Despite this, he can be friendly to certain people and he is a natural born trouble-maker.

The long road home seemed to go and go. The road continued to outstretched in front of the vehicle endlessly.

The light that shone through the branches of the tall green tress danced across the window in random patterns, every once in awhile, obnoxiously shining in your eyes.

The surrounding was full of deep green tress forming a forest around the road. The only sound was the sound of cars engine as it traveled down the path. It was peaceful and let off a serene felling.

Although the ride seemed like a nice one, it lacked every form of 'nice' for both passengers.

The middle-age woman behind the steering wheel had neat short brown hair that fit her complexion quiet well. She wore a green v-neck and a pair of blue jeans. Diamond stud earrings decorated of her ears which partially showed from behind her hair cut. She had deep green eyes which were brought out by her shirt, and the lighting seemed to make them more noticeable. There wasn't much significance to her appearance. She just looked like any 'average mother' that you'd see on TV shows and such, but one thing for sure made her differ from those 'average mothers' and that was the dark bags under her eyes.

Her facial expression was gloomy and sad, although she genuinely looked like one who smiled a lot.

She would sniffle every once a while, and occasionally glance back in the rear-view mirror to look back at her son in the backseat, who was hunched over partially, his arms held tight around his chest, and his head pressed against the cold window.

The boy lacked any normal appearance, anyone could blandly see that something was wrong with him. His messy brown hair went in every which way, and his pale, almost gray skin was brought out by the luminescent lighting. His eyes where dark, unlike his mother's and he wore a white t-shirt and scrub pants that has been provided to him by the hospital. The clothes he had worn before where so shredded and blood stained, that they weren't 'wearable' any more.

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