Day 1

38 3 1

This isn't some formal thing. And this book isn't going to help, but I'm sure captain doesn't want to see me moping around. There is work to be done, there always is.

I guess these gorram things are for complaining and that's what ought to happen.
Well here it is. It's only been a week. One week since Wash has been...

And seeing captain in his seat puts bitterness in my heart where it ain't supposed to be. It reminded me when Wash said that I had two husbands.

I wanted to save him. I wanted him to have been fine. I'm a soldier and I thought I'd be a might bit prepared to loose the love of my life but I wasn't.

And even though I got the crew and everyone is trying to help it ain't working. No I wasn't prepared to loose either one of 'em. I need Wash. Well I needed Wash and it would've been mighty hard without Captain but I don't need two husbands.

Funny, guess I ain't got two anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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