Part 3

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Bella was huddled over, snuggling her head further into her fluffy pink pillow when she suddenly made a funny noise; one I wasn't familiar with, none the less I carried on watching her from a far and then after some time I began to relax and sat at her bedside. Her body kept manoeuvring into funny but weird shapes; sometimes she was stretched out like a starfish but on her side, sometimes she was tucked away into a ball on her back and sometimes, just sometimes she was curved backwards looking like the moon. Bella suddenly began to stretch and then she opened her ages and I instantly smiled, of course, not wanting to scare her in her still part-dreaming state. She rubbed her eyes against her knuckles and then she looked at me, as if trying to figure out who I was, or looking at me as if I had sixty different heads before speaking;

"Thomas, what are you doing in my bedroom?" - I know that what she just said made me seem like an idiot and a stalker but I was bored down stairs with Charles and Edwin talking about their favourite historical films and I guess my body just found itself creeping up the stairs towards Bella's room.

"I was just..." And then I cut myself off. I couldn't exactly say that I was watching her sleep but I couldn't exactly say that my body had found itself creeping up the stairs to Bella's room either. I was simply lost for words.

"Doing what Thomas, why are you in my bedroom?" - I hated the use of my full name Thomas instead of Tom, although I did kind of deserve it, Bella was obviously curious but kind of worried and maybe even possibly scared as a matter of fact, so I honestly didn't blame her for addressing me by my full name - Thomas. She had asked me that question for a second time and I honestly didn't know what I was going to tell her when she finally let out a puff of air and said;

"You know what Thomas, it doesn't matter, I'm going to take a shower and as long as you stay out here I'll be fine..." Her voice trailed off as she shut the wooden pine door behind her as her voice was only a muffled sound behind it. I hate to admit it but she looks sexy when she's mad and she looked even sexier when she opened the door again with only a towel on.  

"Thomas, please could you go to my wardrobe and pull out my black corset-style dress with the shiny jewels on it and lie it down softly on my bed making sure that there are no creases prominent in it?"  

"Okay, I'll do just that Belle," - Why did I just call her Belle? She wasn't my friend just yet, she was nothing but my bosses daughter who I had come to have supper with tonight.

As Bella returned to the shower room she gave me a simple smile and I found myself returning one back, although after a while of waiting I got bored and decided to have a look around Bella's room; looking through her wardrobe, looking through her Chester drawers, looking through cabinets and then I came to her bedside draws, expecting to find a book or her mobile or something along those lines, I quickly stumbled backwards when I found her underwear lying there innocently, untouched. It had to be that moment when Bella waltzed out of the shower room eyeing me up and down when she saw the draw wide open and exclaimed;

"Thomas, what the heck are you doing going through my underwear!?" - She was fuming.

She quickly ran over to the side of her bed, quickly but carefully and also gracefully and she slammed the draw shut but as she turned back around to face me, instead of her blushing and being flustered she gave me a glare sending almighty daggers flying my way and then she paused. She looked at my hand and I did too and then I lifted it up and dangled it in front of my face so that I couldn't see her own as I spoke rather timidly;

"And these must be yours?" I didn't half expect to find a pair of lacy knickers hanging from my thumb and dangling in front of my face. I felt like I was in quicksand being dragged down as she towered over me snatching them from my grasp and returning to the draw to put them back in their place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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