Chapter 4

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I woke up sitting upright with my head slightly tilted. It took me a moment to realize I was in a car. And I'm not alone.

"Mmm..." I moaned, my head still throbbing. My hands are tied and so are my feet, my mouth was covered in duct tape, but my eyes remained uncovered.

"Oh, you're awake." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Hmm..." this was all I can respond.

"Go lay back down. You must feel awful from the drug."


The alcoholic drink from last night flashed through my mind. It was bubbling! Of course it was a drug! How could I not know? I've watched too many movies to not know! STUPID!

Wait. Maybe I'm still dreaming... Yeah, it's just a dream. I'm not really in a car with a stranger. I'm not really being kidnapped. This is all just a nightmare–

We hit a speed bump which made me jump up from my seat and hit my head on the roof of the car. The pain felt so real...

This is really happening.

"Whoops, sorry," the man in the driver's seat chuckled.


"Mmm!" I started squirming and moving around. I managed to face the back of his seat and kick it.

"Hey! Stop that!"

He thinks that will work? Sure. Does he think it works like this? 'Stop panicking. There's nothing to panic about. You're just being a kidnapped.'

I kicked his seat again and again.
I regret it. I freaking regret it.

He stopped the car by the side of the road and got out of the car. I tried my best to move to the side of the backseat, away from him.

He opened the door and held my shoulders. I tried to scream, but failed. He shook me aggressively which made my head throb again.

"Calm down, Emi! You're gonna get us killed," he yelled.

He stopped shaking me and his grip on my shoulders loosened. He gave me a hard look and I just stared. My eyes were watering and I looked at him with fear in my eyes.

His face softened and he sighed. He massaged his temples.

"Just stay calm. We're almost there Emi."

But instead of staying calm, I shook my head furiously and I tried to yell despite the fact that my mouth was covered.

He held my shoulders again and shook me again. "Listen. I'm gonna remove the duct tape and let you speak. But you have to promise me that you won't yell. Deal?"

I slowly nodded. He yanked the tape off which made me whimper.

"W-w-where am I-I? W-who a-are you?" I stammered.

He laughed as if he cannot believe that I just asked that.

"You'll know soon, Emi."

"Why are you doing this..."

"Because I miss you and I want you, Emi." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear which made me jerk my head to the side.

He frowned, "You really don't remember me?"

I just stared at him blankly.

"Emi. Eh-mee. Doesn't ring the bell?" He asked.

Emi... It was my old nickname. But what does that have to do with this? And how did he know me?


My eyes widened. He smiled knowing that I remembered. I shivered.

"No... B-but how? Y-you're–"

"Dead?" He laughed.


"Mhm. It's your old pal Danny, Emi. Missed me?"

I shook my head in disbelief. How could this happen...

I was about to speak when I felt a sharp piercing pain in my shoulder. I looked down and saw that he injected me with something.

"Sorry for doing this, Emi. But I can't risk you getting us caught. So sleep tight for a bit," he said before my vision started to become blurry. My head throbbed again and my eyes were getting tired.

Oh man, not another drug.

His face was the last thing I saw before I blacked out. What an awful sight it was.

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