vii. church and dates

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The next day was Sunday. Jacob was up early. He assumed it was his body trying to adjust to this new time zone. He remembered chatting with his mom on Skype last night; she had said, "Jacob Winston, I don't care how the rest of Hollywood spends their Sunday; you are spending yours in church. You hear me?" Jacob didn't set an alarm, but since he was up early anyway, he figured he should go. He searched for churches within walking distance of the hotel, and then knocked on Katrina and Reggie's apartment door to ask permission. He hoped he wouldn't have to wake them up--that could get really awkward really fast.

To his surprise, Reggie opened the door. He appeared to be quite awake. Jacob heard the sound of a coffeemaker in the background. "Hey . . . Jacob, right?" Reggie gave a half-smile. "Still trying to match the names to the faces."

"Yep, I'm Jacob." Jacob rocked on his heels nervously. "Um, I know this might sound weird, but I was wondering if it would be okay if I could go to church. I can go on my own, and I looked up churches in the area, so really all you would have to do is say 'yes' . . ." He abruptly shut his mouth. Jacob tended to ramble when he was nervous.

Reggie smiled kindly. "Sure, dude. Actually, if you wait a couple minutes, Kat and I will go with you." He opened the door wider. "Come on in."

Jacob stepped in obediently. "You go to church?"

"Yep! Kat and I met at church, actually." Reggie poured himself a cup of coffee. "Want any coffee?"

"No, thanks. So . . . you're Christians?"

"Absolutely. You?"

"Yes. Wow, I had no idea you guys were . . ."

Reggie smiled as he sipped his coffee. "I know. We're not what you'd call traditional."

Just then Katrina snored from where she was crashed on the bed. Reggie looked at her lovingly. Jacob cleared his throat. "So, are you two married?"

"Nope. I sleep on the couch." He lowered his voice. "Don't tell Kat, but I'm trying to get up the nerve to propose. Waiting for the perfect time, y'know?"

Jacob nodded in approval. "Nice. You got a ring?"

Reggie pulled out a small black velvet box from his pocket as evidence. "It was my grandmother's. I've had it since last year. I don't think Kat knows, though." Reggie slid the box back into his pocket with a sigh.

"So what's the hold-up?"

"I don't doubt that she's the one for me. But . . . I just wanna be sure that I'm the best for her, y'know?" Reggie stared beseechingly at Jacob, before he seemed to remember who he was talking to. He smiled, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, Jacob, don't mean to lay all this on you. We'll head out in about ten minutes. That cool with you?"

"Sure." Jacob nodded, before heading back next door. Louis had gotten up in Jacob's absence and was quietly eating the cereal Reggie had given them yesterday. Jacob gave him a chin wave. "Hey. Reggie and Katrina and I are going to church in ten minutes. You wanna go?"

Louis chewed and swallowed thoughtfully. "Okay. Is there a dress code?"

"Just something nice, I think." Jacob poured himself a bowl of cereal. "Do you go to church back home?"

Louis shook his head. "My parents just sent me to church camp to get me out of the house in the summer. That's as close as I've ever gotten to religion." He stirred his cereal.

Jacob detected a hint of a defensive tone in Louis's voice, which surprised him. Jacob thought he had these guys figured out, but now he was realizing that what he saw was only the tip of the icebergs. First Wes's bilingual background, then Louis's hesitation toward religion--next Calvin would be admitting he liked Neil Diamond!

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