I Miss You. (Pt. 2)

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It's crazy how someone you knew everything about, someone who, at one point, was your other half, is now a complete stranger.

It's crazy that all we did was spend time with each other, and now I don't ever see you.

What's even crazier is, that some days, I don't even think about you. Not even a little bit.

I let myself forget.

I let myself forget you. Only because it's easier...

But then I find something that reminds me of you. Like that little park we used to spend all of our summers at, or your old hoodie I found in the back of my closet that still smells like your Pink or Victoria's Secret perfume, whatever which one it was.
Those corny little "best buds" necklaces with the hamburger on one and the thing of fries on the other you bought for us.

And then it all comes rushing back. The weight, the emotions. All of what I pushed to the back of my head comes rushing back.

And I start to feel guilty actually.

Those memories of our summers, our rainy nights together. It all comes crashing down on me.

Sometimes, I feel like I do want to be with you again, hold you, kiss you, just even see you.
The other part of me, just feels empty. Like if I were to see you again, I'd feel nothing but emptiness and emotionless. It'd be like if I saw an old toy from my childhood. I have nothing emotionally attached to it.

This isn't me regretting anything. Really, it isn't. We had our reasons for parting ways. Real reasons.

When everything came to an end, it was all about reasons. But it's a good thing, kind of. It means one day you and I will both find someone that we won't ever have to say goodbye to. We'll find a person that's right.

It just means, you and I weren't meant to be.

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