Chapter 2

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"Kasper, Kasper" Petya shakes my arm, "Wha" I say, dazed. "Can we switch seats" she whispers into my ears "The lady next to me keeps trying to talk to me" She continues "uhh yeah sure" I reply. We then switch seats. The old lady begins to talk to me "I can see why we switched" I whisper to Petya and she nods in reply. "So have you been to this museum before" I ask "Yeah, only twice, though" she replies "But I've been wanting to go all year" she continues. Eventually we arrive in Sofia and we exit the train. "Were is it" I ask "Its on the east side of town" She replies. We then stop for some lunch at a diner, The food was atrocious and cheap in taste. "Is that it" Ivaylo asks "No" Petya replies "Oh, what about that one" "Yes" She replies "Really... wow, I'm bored just looking at it" He says as Petya nudges him with her elbow, We then head inside. "So what part do you want to look at?" "All of them?" Uhhhhhh...." Me and Ivaylo moan. We spend the next several hours roaming around the museum, I pretend to be interested but I really just want to fall asleep. After what seems like years.... but is actually hours we emerge from the museum "I've never hated anything so much in my life" Ivaylo mumbles to me "What was that?" Petya smiles while yelling almost aggressively "Uh nothing" He pipes up and try to put on a normal smile. We wander back to the train station before boarding the train at 5pm "So we should get back around 7" Ivaylo yells as the wheels of the train begin to spin loudly "Yer" I yell back, "So, what was your favourite part? Petya asks curiously, her eyes wide open, "Uhhhh" I murmur, "I liked the bagel i had at the concession stand" Ivaylo buds, She stares at him intensely "Uhh huh, Hey is that a...uh hawk....uh yer, i'm just gonna check it out" He says as he runs off towards another seat on the train while Petya and me laugh. When we arrive back at home, I immediately plunge myself down onto my mattress in Ivaylo and Sergio's room and after only a few minutes, I take a deep yawn and close my eyes.

DING DONGGGGGG. "So do you guys go to church every week" I ask "Only every two, its to much of a hassle to travel for about 2 hours every week" Sergio replies "So, uhhh, Is there anything I need to do differently, cause I'm used to Catholic ceremonies not Orthodox ceremonies, you know..." The 4 of them stare at me intensely looking deeply in to my eyes "I forgot he is one of them" Azarenka whispers to the others, They burst out laughing "Nah nothing special, I guess" Ivaylo says still giggling "I can run you through everything you need to know" Petya adds "Thanks" I say nodding my head in agreement. 

"Well that was an interesting experience" I say as we leave the building almost an hour later, "You kids go home with your mother" "Come on one we don't have all day" Simona glances at us. Its a long journey back to their home, once we arrive the others are put to work on the farm, Simona says I can do whatever I want but I join in on the chores, I owe these people enough after letting me stay here. "What are you planting?" I ask curiously "Wheat" Petya replies, I grab a bag and head over to a patch in the far corner of the paddock "Hey Azarenka, maybe you could, you know help" Ivaylo shouts to her as he sits on the paddock fence swaying his legs "Piss off" She replies with an arced frown. Ivaylo and Petya roll their eyes and continue on. "AZARENKA! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Simona yells from inside the house "UGH" she hops of the fence and drags her feet over to the house. I focus back on the task, and after about an hour we've covered the entire field with a seeds. Azarenka returns to the field, a blunt expression masking her face. "I've got sandwiches, I spat in them though" "Sure" Ivaylo replies sarcastically "Hey, I just realised that Sergio isn't here"  Petya says "Yeah, I wonder were he is?" I ask "I don't know, who gives two shits" We stare at her "What!" She snaps "I think he's with his lady friend" Ivaylo says with smug smile and he raises his eyebrows suggestively, Azarenka turns his way and raises one eyebrow with extreme intensity "Ahh don't do that, Its creepy" He yelps, "Who's his lady friend" I ask jokingly with a chuckle "I don't know, Karolina" "You mean Karolina Kvitova"Petya buds in "Karolina's actually someone" Ivaylo asks confusingly, Petya shakes her head in disbelief. "Wait is he even with someone" She asks "Say it" "What no"" Say it" Ivaylo pleads with confidence "Is he with a lady friend?" "Yes, I saw him with a girl down by the creek" "Lets go and embarrass him" Azarenka says with a smirky grin. "Maybe...not" I reply trying to be thoughtful and nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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