Welcome to the Madhouse -Perrie

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Perrie's POV

The day I turned 15  I woke up to a face. It wasn't my mom's or my dad's or even my cat's. It was a pale face, with a hole in the middle of their head. They also had a black eye. This face looked like a man. He looked like a vampire. He was so pale, and that hole, it was so big. It looked like someone could put their thumb in it. It made me scream so hard my throat started hurting like I was scraping it with sandpaper. My parents ran in to comfort me. I told them everything but they dismissed it as a nightmare created by my subconscious by the sounds that came from my dad's movies. Every night my dad would watch a horror movie. Who knew my life would turn into one.

  The next night I had a dream. I was in a basement somewhere. It was dark ,cold and large. There was a light in front of me highlighting three men in front of me. Two were in their twenties and the other looked about seventeen. The seventeen year-old  was sitting in a chair with his hands tied behind his back. His feet were bound to the two front legs of the chair. The man on the chair seemed to be very angry and scared.Let's call him C. The two older men were standing high above C. They were huge. They were extremely buff. They both wore white t-shirts that clung to their bodies. They both had six packs and muscles like Dwayne Johnson. WOW. If I were C I would be scared to.  All of a sudden the bigger of the two men grabbed  something off the floor. The two men were yelling loud enough for  me to hear.

  "Who are you working for?" The smaller of the two asked.

  "The Count." C answered angrily

  "If that's so, then where is our money?" The smaller asked.

 "He didn't give me any money to give to you." C answered.

  The bigger of the two men quickly shot out his balled up fist and punched C in the eye.

  He then yelled "Stop lying to us!"

  "I'm not lying!" C yelled back

  "Do you have a reason for being here?" The smaller man took over the conversation. He seemed to be the one in charge. The bigger man seemed to be there as his henchman.

  "I'm here for the Jefferson High daily newspaper. I came to look for a story on the supposed drug lord that does his bidding here. I guess I found my story." He let out a cruel laugh and look. His shoulders had dropped, though. He seemed to have given up.

  "Oh, you found your story. Unfortunately you won't be able to tell anyone." He turned to the henchman and told him "Finish this." He quickly  walked away and disappeared into the shadows.

  The bigger man lifted the arm he had recently picked something up in. He used all his strength and brought the mystery item down to the C's head. The mystery item went through the front of the man's skull. His body went limp immediately. The bigger man pulled the mystery item, which I had identified as a lead pipe, out of the man's skull. He threw it to the ground, untied C and put him over his shoulder. He then exited the room.

  I quickly woke up, flew forward and screamed. I screamed until my parents came in. They quickly calmed me down and I told them everything. They thought I was crazy. They didn't  believe me. I told them I was ok and they went back to sleep.

  I took a quick look around the room and saw him. I put my hand over my mouth, got up and closed the door. He was sitting on my desk chair watching my every move.

  "Who are you?" i asked him cautiously.

  " My name was Loren. Please don't be scared of me." He responded sadly.

  "What did you expect me to do?" I snapped back at him. How dare he ask me not to be scared of him.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't think I was the first one."

  "The first one what?" This guy, Loren, was not helping his situation.

  "Ghost." That one word almost shattered my sanity. Everything finally clicked into place. He was the guy.

  "Did you make me watch you die?"

  "Yes. I am truly sorry but it is the order of things for us  ghosts to get help."

  He quickly continued before I could speak."You have an amazing gift, Perrie. I'm surprised no one else found yet. You should be happy I'm your first ghost."

  "Happy," I said with all the sarcasm I could muster," Your a fucking ghost. Happy? No, more like scared senseless.

  "I know this is scary but I'm not scary. Compared to other ghosts I'm an angel." He laughed softly. I took in his demeanor and decided he was ok. "Please help me. In return I'll teach you everything I know about ghosts and help you with anything and any ghosts that come after you."

  "What do you need me to do?" I asked feeling safer already with Loren around.

  "Help me bring my murderer's to justice." He said with hints of surprise, relief and anger.

  From that day forward we were the best of friends. I had many "visitors" as Loren would call them, and every time one of them came Loren was there. I didn't stop the screaming though.

  Two years after Loren and  I met. I was locked away in the M.A.D House. M.A.D stands for Mental Attitude Deficiency House. Everyone thought I was crazy, except for Loren. No one believed me but Loren. He is my rock. I've been here for  three years.

  We hadn't been able to catch Loren's murderer's. Luckily Loren and I  had become such good friends that he stuck with me when I was put in here. Every once and a while I would wake to a freezing cold room. I would look around and find Loren and a new ghost for me to help. Every day we didn't get a ghost I would wake up to find Loren in bed with me. Damn, he was cold but I didn't care.

  I will never get out of here. The screaming has stopped but I still have to talk to the ghosts.. The doctors and nurses see it as a sing of insanity. I don't want to be here. I'm getting out of here. SOON. 

  Come with me on my journey. Even if your a ghost.

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