Welcome to the Madhouse- Leigh-Anne

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Dedicated to PerrieSummerFV to thank her for rating my story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. There will be two more chapters after this of intros and then we will get into the action of  the action. LOL enjoy my readers. 

 Leigh-Anne's POV

   I don't know why I have to tell everyone this. It was all over the front page of the news for weeks.It'snot like you could have missed it but I guess I need to tell it my way, the right way. So here we go:

    When I was 16 I disapeared, but not in the way your probably thinking. I vanised. No one took me I just disappeared.

     It was the day I got my first boyfriend. Only he was a fake. It had been a dare from his friend. His friend dared him to ask me out in the morning and then embarres me at lunch. And that's exactly what happened.

   My "boyfriend" took me into the gym and stood up on a chair in front of everyone. He was the star football player and everyone responded when he yelled at them to clam down and shut up.

   Before I go any further I have to tell you I have a really bad habit. Whenever I'm nervous or upset or not feeling good, I get really hyper and it's like I got drunk or high. Anyway I was at a party and I was really upset and I did that, to his friend. Yup, you guessed it . The one who dared him to ask me out and dump me in front of everyone. Back to what he did.

   He got up in front of everyone and told them what I did to his friend. He embarassed me and dumped me right there. At that moment, with everyone staring at me, I willed myself to disappear and I did. Everyone had suddenly let out a big gasp and I looked down at myself and couldn't find me. I couldn't see MYSELF. I freaked and ran home.

      Some where along the way home I reapeared. I finally calmed myslef down and walked home to face my awaiting doom. 

    My home life wasn't any better than my school life. When I got home that day my parents were fighting. My dad was drunk and pissed off. I willed myself to disappear when my dad finally heard me come through the door. He quickly found me and asked me why I was home. He knew, through his drunken haze, that it was to early for me to be home. He kept yelling at me and I, once again, wished I could disappear. 

     My dad let out a gasp and reached out to try anf find me. He grabbed my arm and once he found me he wanted to make sure I was there, so he broke my arm. To make sure I was there. I quickly reappeared and ran out the door. I ran until I got to the hospital. I admited myself to emergency and they fixed me up. BUt I was never truly fixed.

      My brain had shut down. I couldn't think straight. I never talked. I lashed out at anyone who started to talk to me about my past. The docters and nurses didn't know what to do with me. They kept me in there mental care unit for three years. They finally decided I need better help. As soon as they told me I was being sent to a mental hospital my mind awoke. 

     As soon as night fell and everyone was sleepy or sleeping I made my escape. I had learned during my stay how to control my invisibility. I willed my self to disapear so I could escape. As soon as I got out I went home. My mind was still numb , so it to me to the place I used to always be and love. Once I got home I walked in and turned visible again. What I saw sent me off the edge.

      My mom was on the floor in front of me in a pool of blood. My dad was standing behind her with a bloody knife in his hand. I screamed at my father as realization flooded his face. he had killed her in a drunk anger. I hated my father from that point forward.

    My father started to walk toward me, my eyes flashed down to the knife in his hand, and I screamed again. I quickly got out my phone and called 911. I gave the operator my adress and was about to give everything else when my father dropped the knife and grabbed me. I screamed into the phone as my dad took it from me and hung it up. He asked me what I was doing and that I was going to be sent into foster care if I had finished that call. I told him I hated him and wiggled out of his grasp. I ran to my room , shut and locked the door. 

      I waited until I heard sirens. As soon as they knocked on the door I knew my dad was toast only if I left my room. I walked down the hall to find my dad talking to a police officer trying to explain what happened to my mother.

        "He murdered her" I tell them. They all turn to look at me as I walk in. " He did it and he was going to do it to me to." I walked past my dad and he grabbed my arm again. As soon as he did this the police officer put his hand on his gun and told my father to  step away from me. He let go of me and the other police officer took me to their car. 

     After I gave my statment to them I took a goo hard look at myself in a puddle. I looked horrible but I felt worse. I knew I felt insane but I really wasn't. As I kept staring at the puddle, I disappeared. I stayed that way until I heard the phone ring. I went into my old house and grabbed the phone.

       " Is this Leigh-Anne Pinnock?" the lady on the other end asked.

         "This is her. How may I help you." I asked.

         " We got a call earlier this evening admitting you to our facility."

       " What facility is this?"

        " The Madhouse. Form the insane or mental disabilities finest."

        "When would you like me to come in?"

           "Now, preferably." The lady sounded extremely surprised.

          "I'll be there in a couple minutes."

        I hung up and asked one of the officers to give me a lift. As soon as I was inside I knew it would be hard to ever get out. But I didn't want to. I liked it here. Everyone would treat me well.




Thank you my mixers!!!!

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