Early Childhood

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Hello, I am Chloe, and today I will be doing a interview with my good friend Lena and I will be talking about how I started out in my early childhood, how I manage online school, and so much more.

Lena: Well hello there Chloe! I am so excited to have you here.

Chloe: Thanks for having me here I am honored.

Lena: So let's just jump right into it with the questions because we as a audience wants to know where your headed with your thoughts.

Lena: Now, what take us back into your early childhood and tell me what was it like for you?.

Chloe: Well when I was little, I always had a smile on my face because I would always entertain myself by dancing in the mirror, singing in the car, and just playing video games all day. And my mother would let me stay up at 3:00 in the morning so I can play my game cube which I loved.

Lena: Wow!, 3:00?!, were you into sports?

Chloe: No, I was my own hobby hahaha

Lena: What was school like back when you were little?

Chloe: School for me was hard actually because they held me back in Kindergarden because I was mature enough and I had a hard time focusing on one thing which was a sign of ADHD, but I was sweet child that would fight everybody if they take my toys away during playtime hahaha so yeah it was tough time.

Lena: Did you know what was going on during those days so young?

Chloe: I knew a little bit by me listening, but I really didn't have to think of much because my mom would always be there for me no matter how much I use to get in trouble fighting. I always had a big imagination of me being something big in life even at the age of 5.

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