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I know I haven't been getting that many views and I know the reason. This may not be very good, but I enjoy the Dick Grayson/Slade conflict. It makes me feel so tense and so intrigued it makes me move onward. That's why my favorite episode in Teen Titans is "The Apprentice" parter.

"Bruce can I go out?" Dick asked as he was just about finished with his math homework.
"Uh...I'm not sure if that is such a good idea son. Everyone knows you and you could easily get held for ransom or something like that," Bruce explained.
"I'll be extra careful. Come on Bruce! I'm not the little nine year old you found wandering on the streets four years ago. I'm thirteen!" Dick exclaimed heartily. Bruce sighed.
"Okay, Richard, but come back in less than an hour!" Bruce ordered his bird. Though he was trustworthy Bruce knew he had to set boundaries.
Dick nodded grabbing his hoodie and pulling it over him. Bruce smiled as Dick ran out the door. "Are you positive that you trust him to come back, sir?" Alfred said concern and worry in his gaze.
"I don't know, Alfred. If he doesn't come back in thirty minutes I might go and look myself, but I'm not too worried about him. He's smart and nimble and he has a quick mind. Don't worry too much about him."
Dick strolled down the street towards the park. He texted Roy and Wally, greeting them and telling them that he was finally given some time to himself. 
Birdboy-Hey guys! Bats finally starting to give in! Just walked to the park without seeing a bat-a-rang or anything.
Wallman-Omg! Bats let you out! That mansion is like the newest Alcatraz! Luckily you finally got your freedom.
Arrowboy-Don't be to sure! He is the Batman! He still puts trackers on everything. And he is probably monitoring you, and watching your every movement.
Dick smiled and sighed. It wasn't like he didn't know Bruce put trackers on everything of Dicks, it was just that he never thought much of it. Bruce wanted to keep him safe and so he did it the only way he could think of. Suddenly he heard a rustle in the leaves and he turned, but he didn't see anything. It was nearly autumn and the orange and red leaves looked gorgeous in the sunlight. He shrugged. Probably just the wind! He thought.
Birdboy-Gtg! See ya later. We gotta get together, Roy! What's Oliver been doing to keep you from seeing us in a...a year almost?
Wallman-Bye! Unc needs some back up! See ya later Rob!
Arrowboy-Don't worry, nothing to serious! Just a lot of villains lately. See ya, Dick!
Dick sighed as he turned his phone off. As he did he heard a loud rustle in the leaves. A man in a black and orange suit appeared. "Richard Grayson! You, belong to me now!" The man Dick knew as Deathstroke.
"Why would I come with you?" Dick asked.
"Well, you don't have a choice in the matter unfortunately, but don't worry! You don't need to! I can make choices for you!" Deathstroke said.
"No, thank you. My father told me to never speak with strangers!" Dick said rolling his eyes and he was about to turn and walk the other way when Deathstroke grabbed him by the hoodie and knocked him out unconscious.

Slade grabbed the young boy and smiled. Everything was going as planned. He would soon teach this boy discipline and what happens when you disobey an order. Dick would know the pain and he would be Slade's willing or unwilling protégé. Slade slip down into the sewer and walked on the edge of it carrying the boy easily and making it back to his base or Headquarters. Dick Grayson was his!

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