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Should I be proud of this title? Im just gonna say yes..anyways this is a dream that Garroth has. Its about Laurance and Garroth being children. So cute. Lets get this started with!

)3rd person(

Garroth shot up like a bullet his love for school has been extra in love, if that makes sense. It was the first day of school today and he loved the first day of school! To him it felt like a little girl seeing a unicorn. He got up and put on a white shirt and a plaid light blue and baby blue shirt. He put on some ripped jeans and some grey Nike's. Perfect! "Zane, does this look good?" he asked "Why yes it does big brother. Do I look good?" Garroth nodded and rushed through the castle and into the kitchen. "Mommy! Are those German pancakes!?!" She nodded. "But there for me. And me only, Garroth." Dad....Why did he have to be here!? I was soon pulled out of my deep thought by a hand slapping my mothers cheek. "Daddy! Stop! Your hurting Mummy! Mum, are you ok!?" My British accent really showing. "Shut up, you little brat." and with that I had a splitting head ache. This was very conman to happen. Wake up, get ready, see mum get beat up, go to school and deal with being hurt in some way shape or form. "I-I'm sorry, Master." And with that I pulled Zane to our bus stop because I didn't feel like taking the limo today. "Brother, did Garte. Hurt you?" I asked Zane. "U-umm...maybe..a slap on the wrist but nothing else." I sighed completely frustrated at what was going on at this rate. At least there was a new kid today.
Short time skip to school-

"Zane here is your class for this year. Please be good. You don't want him. To come hurt you." he nodded and went into class. I was walking into the classroom and bowed "Greetings. I am Prince Garroth, it is nice to meet you." I said in my most princely form. "I know. I am Ms.Bliss. It is very nice to meet you." huh...that name really did have a ring to it. I was early to class because I skipped resess. Not really my thing. I say down way back in the class because, well I just felt like it. As I was looking through my math book I heard another kids voice. "Hello, I'm Laurence. I'm the new kid...from the orphanage. It i-is a pleasure to meet you ma'am." That kids a orphan? Well I guess both of our life's are hard from one end to another. "Well, ok Laurance. Go sit back there by that other kid. His name is Prince Garroth-" I interpreted her "I'm sorry to interrupt but I prefer Garroth." I stated fermly "Oh. Ok, please go sit down by Garroth." He nodded shyly and say next to me. Well this is just jolly

This chappie is both boys DREAMS. Its mostly Laurence's because know..But I need a O.C to use for my book. Well I need like 3 of them so cya! Hope you like!

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