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First of all, moving sucks. Honestly with all my heart, I can say that I hate it. Ever since I was a little girl I've moved with my mom 6 times. This would be the seventh. From North Carolina to Beverly Hills would definitely be an interesting (if not painful) change.

As I sat in the passenger seat of my mom's old pickup truck my stomach flipped and swirled. I'd done the first day of a new school thing so many times already. But this one felt different.

"Sweetie," my mom glanced at me then looked back to the road. "Please try to be cheerful about this." She gave my shoulder a quick loving squeeze. "I know that you liked North Carolina but I'm sure that this will be even better."

I turned away from her and pulled my backpack to my chest. North Carolina was the only place where I actually lived long enough to make friends. And not the kind that are just your friend because you're new and they feel bad, but real ones. Ones where you would stay up all night just talking and laughing, and ones where you could tell anything to and you knew they wouldn't ever tell.

"Robyn," my moms voice pulled me out of my memories of back home, "I love you. Have a great day."

She leaned over to give me a hug, but I sat stiff and looked out the window.

As I walked up to the big glass doors of the school, I carefully evaluated the social structures of my new school. To my left were the hipsters, swarms of plaid shirts and beanies. To my right were the druggies. They were obviously high not even caring that they were being given bad looks from passerby. All around me were the jocks, the drama geeks, the actual geeks, the average kids, and the populars. As a result of moving around so much, I could easily spot the popular kids. They all grouped together in one big exclusive circle, all were attractive and all gave the "I'm better than you" aura.

The warning bell rang. I took out my crumpled schedule from my denim shorts and tried to navigate my my to my first class. Biology was first.

After getting lost in the hallways about 12 times, I finally arrived a little late to room 408. I smoothed my blue and white striped top and fixed my hair, then opened the door to walk in.

"The first day to the rest of my life here," I thought to myself.

The teacher was standing beside his desk taking attendance when I walked in. I immediately heard about 40 heads turn towards me.

"Hello," the teacher shook my hand and gave me a warm smile. "You must be Robyn." He turned to the class, "This is Robyn. She will be a new student in our classroom. Please give her a warm welcome."
The class mumbled some hellos and forms of acknowledgement.

"I'm Mr. Johnson. Welcome to my class, Robyn. You can sit next to Teo in the corner." He pointed to a good looking brown haired boy.

I kept my eyes down as I awkwardly shuffled through aisles of desks towards the back. I clumsily hit my shins on what seemed like every single leg of every single desk.

Halfway through an aisle, I felt a hand press against my lower back. I stiffened.

"Hey." Someone said. I turned to see a really cute boy's gleaming white smirk. "You okay there?" He chuckled and ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

I analyzed his face for what seemed like a century. Dear lord, do my eyes deceive me or is that an angel? His wavy chestnut beach waves perfectly complimented his carmel eyes and almost pale complexion spattered with adorable freckles. My heart beat a little faster. I must've paused for a while or started blushing, because he repeated, slower this time.

"Are you okay?" He furrowed his brow a little bit in confusion.

"Oh," I was suddenly snapped back into reality, "Y-Yeah! I'm great!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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