Okay so this is my first ever fan fiction. I really adore all of one direction so it was kind of hard to pick which member I wanted to write about. I think I made a pretty good choice though so I really hope you like it (;
My fist hesitated mere centimeters from the finished wood. I held my breath as I tried my very best to summon the courage to take the chance of rejection. Okay, you can do this Jessamine. It's only been like what, three years? Yea.. There's no way he'll remember me. But I have to try.. I need this. So man up! Er... Woman up?
I let my breath out and my fist fell limp at my side.. Who do I think I am? Coming to see him after all this time? His life is perfect. He has all that he wants and here I am going cause an unnecessary disturbance.
My manicured hands enveloped my face as I slid down the wall of the dimly lit hallway. I burried my head in my knees and my long dark hair cascaded down around me. I felt pitiful. Pathetic. Worthless. A nobody...
Suddenly I heard laughter slowly making its way towards me. My head bolted upright nearly giving me whiplash as a pang of panic pierced my core. Zayn! What if its him!? My head whipped back and forth looking for a means of escape. Nothing!! Just nothing!
Maybe one of the neighbors would let me in their room for a moment. The laughter was getting closer, and I heard Zayn's voice! I had to go! NOW!
I started to tap the door kitty corner from Zayn's room. It slowly creaked open! But... Harry!?! It's okay! He doesn't know who I am. Right? Well how could he? I haven't seen Zayn in forever!
"Can I help you?" He looked me over.
My faced flushed.
"I know this is crazy but can you let me in for a moment? I'm trying to avoid someone."The laughter was slowly drawing nearer and nearer. There were girls laughing too. A bit of jealousy struck me hard but I tried to shake it off.
"Well.. I guess it's okay. Your not going call a bunch of friends and have me kidnapped are you? " he winked.
Normally I would have laughed but instead I plowed through him and slammed the door. He looked at me oddly and I tried to muster up a convincing smile as I locked the door thoroughly.
"Erm.. Are you sure everything's okay? You seem quite shaken. Do you need me t--"
"Harry!" Zayn was banging on the door and I let out a squeal. "Harry! Open up! Wait! Do you... Have a girl in there? Or was that you screaming? Are you watching the conjuring again?!"
I looked over at Harry desperately. Shaking my head no. Please please pleaaaase don't let him in... He looked at me peculiarly
"Na mate, just me in here. But I'm not feeling so well so can I talk to you later?" Zayn didn't even stay to say anything more. He just went back to laughing with those girls and went to his room. The relief that washed over me nearly knocked me to the floor. I couldn't believe I came all this way just to chicken out! You're such a wimp!!
As I was scolding myself I realized there was still a very confused Harry waiting for an explanation. I flushed pink again as my mind began scrambling for a story. I was playing hide and seek? I was a secret agent fleeing from an enemy? I was a baker searching for the perfect cream puff? Everything that came to mind was ridiculous.
"Sorry, thank you though!" I gave a big smile as I decided ignoring his confusion was probably the smartest route to go.
I hurriedly fumbled with the door and all the locks when Harry grabbed my wrist. I looked up at him with my big hazel eyes and desperately hoped he wouldn't press for an explanation. I was a terrible liar and an even worse story teller. If he pressed me for answers odds are I would have no choice but to reveal myself.