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The girls discussed everything and it was time for Emma to walk down the isle. Regina, Robin, David, and Emma were standing by the entrance waiting for the music to start.

When the music started Robin and Regina locked arms and walked down the isle. Emma waited till they were all the way down and started walking.

Emma looked at Killian and smiled. Killian looked back at her and smiled as well. He looked so happy. Everyone was looking at Emma and smiling. David squeezed Emma's hand and she looked to him. He smiled and she smiled back.

When they got to the end of isle David took both of Emma's hands and said, "I love you."

"I love you, too." Emma said and hugged her dad.

David let go of Emma and let her walk to Killian. She walked up a few steps and stood infront of Killian. She smiled as wide as she could and Killian did the same. Everyone sat down and the priest started.

"We're gathered here today to acknowledge the marriage of Emma Swan and Killian Jones."

The priest said all of the important words and then continued with the vows.

"Killian do you take Emma Swan, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for as long as you live?"

"I do." Killian says looking into Emma's eyes.

"Emma do you take Killian Jones, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for as long as you live?"

"I do." Emma says as she looks back into Killian's eyes.

"You may exchange vows."

Emma turns to Regina and Regina hands her Killian's ring. Emma turns back around to Killian and he has a beautiful ring and band in his hands. Emma takes Killian's hand and slides the ring onto his ring finger. She looks up at him and he is staring at her. She smiles and let's go of his hand. Killian then takes Emma's hand and first slides the band on. He then slowly slides the ring on and looks up at Emma.

"You may now kiss the bride." the priest says.

Killian takes Emma's face in his hands and crashes his lips into hers. Everyone cheers and Emma smiles through the kiss. Killian releases from the kiss and rests his forehead on Emma's.

"I love you, Swan." he says quietly.

"I love you, too." Emma says smiling.

Killian takes Emma's hand and walks with her back down the isle. When they are out of the church Emma and Killian hops into a black limo that says 'Just Married' on the back. Killian grabs Emma's face when the door is shut and slammed his lips into hers. Emma falls into the kiss. When Killian releases Emma grabs he's collar and pulls him into another kiss.

"I love ya, Swan." Killian says when Emma releases.

"I love you, too." Emma says and crashes her lips into Killian's again.

Emma has finally found the one she loves. Killian finally found his anchor.

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