WattyFallers Prompt- Alternate Ending (Contest #4)

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Note 1/2: I sure hope I didn't screw up! *carefully presses publish*

"STANLEY!" Before that one-eyed freak was able to say anything else, Stanley catapulted forward with a strong right hook. No one messes with the Pines family, it was practically written in his blood. The triangular demon shattered in all directions, falling into the blue inferno slowly eating at Stan's mind.

Stanley sighed in relief, he was exhausted, tired, but still strong as memories drifted away from him, ambers flying too quickly to catch. His dark past, his happier almost-present, he sighed as all these memories washed away in the blue light. He turned around. He grabbed the picture sitting there nicely, perfectly on the old endtable. Him, Stanley Pines. With two amazing children. Mabel and Dipper Pines.

Even with all of this magic mumbo-jumbo clearing himself from his mind and everything that was and is Stanley Pines, he didn't accept that he'd ever forget these kids, no matter what. Heck, maybe Ford would finally thank him. I mean, he got rid of Bill, right? "Heh... Guess I was good for something after all..."

He breathed in the flame.

He forgot who he was.

Where he was.

Why he was.


But the last things that were out of his mind, were his brother, and two very special kids. He loved them. He vowed to protect them.



Who were they?

There was a clink. He heard it, whoever he was.

There were a few grunts and yelps. As if some creatures (humans?) fell... from what?

There was much more noise. He was scared, and didn't move. (What is movement?). Whooshing noises, as if something... multiple somethings were being lifted to... the sky? The void? The stars? He wasn't sure.

...was he even a he?

There was a pulse. He tried not to move. Something, something was ripping him away from his body. What was it? He couldn't leave. He shouldn't leave. He was confused, but he knew he needed to stay... he needed to protect... something.


He attached himself to his body. He couldn't leave, not until he was done.


With what?

It was quiet. No, it wasn't. There were chirps. Annoying, chirps. He felt the wind brush through his top. (Hair? Was that the term?).

There was a girl. He seen it through his eyes. He tried movement, his eyelids passed his vision lazily.

"Oh my gosh! Grunkle Stan! You did it!" The girl squeaked happily. She placed an object on his head. It felt weird.

He should reply. He tried movement again. "Oh... uh." Good, he could move his mouth to communicate. "Hey there," what does he call smaller versions of humans again? "Kiddo."

She was touching him. Gently, he grabbed her little wrists and took them off himself. "What's your name?"

There was a boy, too. They looked similar. The girl spoke, again. "Heh, Grunkle Stan?"

"Who are you talking to?" He used movement to find someone else behind him she could have been talking to. Who was Grunkle Stan?

"C-come on, it's me. It's me. Grunkle Stan!" The poor kid sounded broken, it made him feel weird. "Grunkle Stan, it's me!"

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