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Xen ran, ran for what seemed to be years, time ticking by slowly. What is he running from? He didn't know, exactly, all he knew is that he needed to leave. Right now. His dark brown hair was messy, and his bright blue eyes looking glazed over like glass that could shatter any second. At the moment, he couldn't tell reality apart from a dream. He couldn't seem to stop running, as if he knew someone were following him, waiting for him to stop.

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After about 10 minutes of running, his chest tightened slightly, his breathing still extremely rugged and heavy, forcing him to stop abruptly, his legs nearly wanting to go limp right then and there, yet he forced himself to walk over to  a tree, leaning against it, trying to keep himself from wobbling, his glazed over eyes closing momentarily before snapping open at the feeling of someone staring at him. Someone who was exactly right in front of him. Panic overtook the 19 year old, in front of him standing a man who wore a fox mask, an eerie grin on his pale face behind the mask, making the edge of his lips slightly visible, yet his eyes looked to be a piercing white, having no pupil what so ever. Glancing down, Xen managed to make out the faint appearance of a shiny glint of a blade, despite his panicking form, which was nearly as still as a rock. Following the glint, he found the hilt, which was held tightly in the person's hand, making him back up slightly, trapped up against a tree, his back pressed against the rough structure, allowing the person wearing a mask to let out a chuckle, bringing his blade up.


Xen woke up with a start, his body moving up at a speed that nearly matched one of light. His bright blue eyes were wide, and his breathing was still extremely heavy and rugged, yet he attempted to calm himself down, one of his pale hands moving to run through his messy dark brown hair, before it fell down back to the thin covers on the bed. He let out a small laugh, feeling nearly childish that he got so worked up over a dream.

After sitting in his bed, he finally stood up, walking over to his closet slowly and sleepily, his eyes scanning over all of the clothes, before he picked out a pair of black jeans, and a black hoodie that had bright blue designs on it. (http://orig05.deviantart.net/b837/f/2014/113/9/1/chrome_hearts_2013_blue_horseshoe_black_hoodies_by_caitlinas-d7fqc62.jpg)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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