You Dont Know Me!

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So I think that phone call was from Nyla. Even tho brook shot her doesn't mean she's dead. I got my kids dressed. Since fai fai was still sleep I got Lil Brandon and Sariyah dressed too. When fai fai woke up I told her to text mari so we could go to her house and roll out to Nyla's house. Mari got in the shower and was ready. Next I texted Brook so she could go too. She already had clothes on so we dropped the kids off with Lil Bibby. I told him I would pay him for babysitting. Anyway, we pull up to the house we all get out the car. We knock on the door and Nyla opens it. Mari punches her dead in her face making her fall back. I punched her in the eye making it not able to open. Brook is just punching her. She don't even care. Nyla is good but we are better. She starts swinging on us she got one good lick on me but there was no scratches anywhere. Fai fai starts grabbing on her hair banging her head. Someone saw us so they called the ambulance to come get her. Her door is still unlocked so we get a baseball back hitting everything in that mfer. Then we leave out and go to Bibby's house to pick up our kids. I told faith that I had to go to Walmart and asked did she need anything. She said nothing so I just left. When I get into Walmart, guess what happened?

Gotta Keep Reading!!

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